Quitting GW Megasale!
Hi im quitting gw after next mat and I might aswell sell all my goodies that I have collected over the years.
Illusion Frog Scepter|Q9| 20/20 modded|SOLD
Blood Frog Scepter|Q11| 20/20 modded|
Water Frog Scepter|Q12| 20/20 modded|
Cursed Tormented Scepter 20/20 modded
Cursed Tormented Focus 20/20 modded
Death Celestial Compass Q12 19/19 modded
Inspiration Celestial Compass Q13 19/20 modded, inscribtion is 19%
Blood Celestial Compass Q11 bad mods
Tactics Tormented Shield -5/20% +30hp
Strength Tormented Shield -5/20% +30hp SOLD @ 33e
Voltiac Spear Q12 |10% furious|+5 energy|+30hp|SOLD @ 34e
Obsidian Edge Q10 |+5 energy| +30hp|
Great Conch(blue) Q8 tactics| 16 armor| +10 armor vs piercing|+30hp|SOLD
Everlasting Abominable Tonic(yeti)
Oni Blade Q9 +5 energy +30hp nonsincrib
Gogo let the offers come, I'm willing to let stuff go cheap, but don't overdo it. I'm in no rush to sell and kamadan is my friend.
Pm me ingame or Pm me on GWGuru
Hole Goes Iway
Illusion Frog Scepter|Q9| 20/20 modded|SOLD
Blood Frog Scepter|Q11| 20/20 modded|
Water Frog Scepter|Q12| 20/20 modded|
Cursed Tormented Scepter 20/20 modded
Cursed Tormented Focus 20/20 modded
Death Celestial Compass Q12 19/19 modded
Inspiration Celestial Compass Q13 19/20 modded, inscribtion is 19%
Blood Celestial Compass Q11 bad mods
Tactics Tormented Shield -5/20% +30hp
Strength Tormented Shield -5/20% +30hp SOLD @ 33e
Voltiac Spear Q12 |10% furious|+5 energy|+30hp|SOLD @ 34e
Obsidian Edge Q10 |+5 energy| +30hp|
Great Conch(blue) Q8 tactics| 16 armor| +10 armor vs piercing|+30hp|SOLD
Everlasting Abominable Tonic(yeti)
Oni Blade Q9 +5 energy +30hp nonsincrib
Gogo let the offers come, I'm willing to let stuff go cheap, but don't overdo it. I'm in no rush to sell and kamadan is my friend.
Pm me ingame or Pm me on GWGuru
Hole Goes Iway
Let's get this rolling.
25e Strength Tormented Shield -5/20% +30hp
25e Voltiac Spear Q12 |10% furious|+5 energy|+30hp|
25e Strength Tormented Shield -5/20% +30hp
25e Voltiac Spear Q12 |10% furious|+5 energy|+30hp|
Strength Tormented Shield -5/20% +30hp
Everlasting Abominable Tonic(yeti)
Everlasting Abominable Tonic(yeti)
Squalus the Ipno
Obsidian edge 50 zkey
IGN Chemical Polarity
IGN Chemical Polarity
Grim Aragorn
30e for torm curses (set)
Diao Xiao
25k Water Frog
15k Death Compass
15k Death Compass
The Silent Assassin
50k illusion frog
30k water frog
20k death compass
Evyl Hart
30k water frog
20k death compass
Evyl Hart
obby edge - 90zkeys
25zkeys for these 3
blood frog
blood compass
water frog
if you have any thing in mind lmk
25zkeys for these 3
blood frog
blood compass
water frog
if you have any thing in mind lmk
Da Tru Legend
35e curses 40/40 set
Edit: Bought set for 52e - thanks for quick and easy trade. GL in mat.
Edit: Bought set for 52e - thanks for quick and easy trade. GL in mat.
The Silent Assassin
50k illusion frog
50k water frog
20k death compass
Evyl Hart
50k water frog
20k death compass
Evyl Hart
The Final
30K on Blood Froggy
IGN Another Scene
IGN Another Scene
O Frost O
retract bid...
65e on Obby edge!
20e on EL Abominable Tonic
Jennifer Potsmoker
20e on EL Abominable Tonic
Jennifer Potsmoker
70k Water froggy
Mia Drunkonium
Mia Drunkonium
25k on Oni Blade
Dzine Wtb
Dzine Wtb
69e obs edge
Astro Midnight
69e obs edge
Astro Midnight
Gandolf The Brute
16e and 50k for torment tact shield
sry all i got
ign big pappa midnight
sry all i got
ign big pappa midnight
Death bylife
24e for the Tactics Tormented Shield -5/20% +30hp
Interested in b/o.
IGN: Life_Bydeath
Interested in b/o.
IGN: Life_Bydeath
Shadetz X
30k for oni blade
ign shadetz x
ign shadetz x
40k on Oni Blade
ign: Dzine Wtb
ign: Dzine Wtb
Sold all but oni blade & tactic shield
Shadetz X
45k for oni blade
ign shadetz x
ign shadetz x
50k oni blade
pm me b/o
IGN: Dzine Wtb
pm me b/o
IGN: Dzine Wtb
60k on Oni Blade.
65K Blade
Piemelhoofd, je quit toch niet
Piemelhoofd, je quit toch niet
70k on Oni Blade.
75k Oni Blade
als je toch quit zou ik het jammer vinden ;p
als je toch quit zou ik het jammer vinden ;p