The Scary Door's box clearing extravaganza

The Scary Door

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2010

Knights of the Jade Sea


All weapons are gold except for the Flamberge of Enchanting, which is not. If no price is listed, any half-reasonable offer will be considered. I will do my best to get in contact with buyers within a day or two, and the thread will be updated immediately after each sale, so it remains current.


The Shadestone - SOLD
Energy +12, Req 9 Blood Magic
Halves casting time of spells (chance 10%)
Health +30


Flamberge of Enchanting
Slashing Damage 15-22, Req 9 Swordsmanship
Enchantments last 16% longer
Inscription: “Vengeance is Mine”
Damage +16% while health is below 50%

Sundering Wooden Longbow of Defense
Piercing Damage 15-28, Req 10 Marksmanship
Armor Penetration +20%, chance 19%
Armor +5

Barbed Spiked Recurve Bow
Piercing Damage 15-28, Req 10 Marksmanship
Lengthens Bleeding duration on Foes by 33% (stacking)
Inscription: Don't fear the Reaper
Damage +20% while hexed

Shocking Runic Maul of Warding
Lightning Damage 19-35, Req 11 Hammer Mastery
Damage +15% (while health is above 50%)
Armor +7 (vs. elemental damage)
Not Inscribable

.Cruel Bronze Edge of Swordsmanship
Slashing Dmg: 15-22 req 10 swordsmanship
Lengthens wound duration on foes by 33%
Swordsmanship +1 (19%)

.Fiery Gladius of Defense
Fire Dmg: 15-22 (req 13 swordsmanship)
Armor +5
Inscription: Don’t fear the reaper (Damage + 20% while hexed)

.Silencing Amber Longbow of Marksmanship
Piercing dmg: 15-28 (req 11 marksmanship)
Damage +14% (while health is above 50%)
Lengthens daze duration by 33%
Marksmanship +1 (20% chance)
Not inscribable

.Runic Hammer
Blunt dmg: 19-35 (req 10 hammer mastery)
Inscription: Brawn over Brains (+15% damage; -5 energy)


"Leaf On the Wind" – Armor +7 vs. Cold
“Don’t Think Twice” – Halves casting time of spells, chance 6%
“Vengeance is Mine” – Damage +14% while health is below 50%
“Strength and Honor” – Damage +14% while health is above 50%
“To The Pain!” – Damage +14%, Armor -10 while attacking
“Guided By Fate” – Damage +10% while enchanted
“I Can See Clearly Now” – Reduces Blind duration on you by 20% (stacking)

Upgrade Components:

Shocking Axe Haft – Lightning Damage
Axe Grip of Fortitude – Health +30
Axe Grip of Enchanting – Enchantments last 16% longer
Bow Grip of Enchanting – Enchantments last 5% longer

Bow Grip of Warding – Armor +5 vs. elemental damage
Bow Grip of Fortitude – Health +23
Poisonous Bowstring – Lengthens Poison duration on foes by 33% (stacking)
Barbed Bowstring – Lengthens Bleeding duration on foes by 33% (stacking)
Shocking Bowstring – Lightning damage

Sundering Hammer Haft – Armor penetration +20%, chance 15%
Hammer Grip of Fortitude – Health +22
Hammer Grip of Enchanting - Enchantments last 15% longer

Shield Handle of Fortitude – Health +24
Shield Handle of Devotion – Health +39 while enchanted
Shield Handle of Fortitude – Health +29
Shield Handle of Endurance – Health +43 while in a stance

Spear Grip of Shelter – Armor +5 vs. physical damage

Sundering Sword Hilt – Armor penetration +10%, chance 10%

Scrolls and keys:

.Passage Scroll to the Deep x2
.Passage scroll to Urgoz’s Warren x2
Stoneroot Key x2


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2006



I'll take the Shadestone for 5k, but I won't be on until Friday or Saturday.

The Scary Door

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2010

Knights of the Jade Sea


More weapons have been added, barring technical difficulties you should receive your purchase Friday.

The Scary Door

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2010

Knights of the Jade Sea


More golds and inscriptions added.

The Scary Door

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2010

Knights of the Jade Sea


The Shadestone has been sold, inventory updated.

The Scary Door

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2010

Knights of the Jade Sea


Bumping, for great justice