Even if i jump in a siege devourer, my heros get wiped. Rangers insta kill them and the ward keepers + Mender+ prophet tank my damage.
Anyone have hero build or suggestions for dealing with that area?
Vanquishing Grothmaw Wardowns
Shut A You Face
I used a slightly modified version of the spiritway team build. As long as you don't let the rits aggro first, it should work just fine. Also, you must takeout the Dominators and Prophets first so they don't constantly rez those you have just killed.
My two cents.
My two cents.
Eragon Zarroc
dont even know your primary class. I like discord
Charr rangers are somewhat annoying. Having Aegis on a couple of your heroes helps if you precast it before you initiate aggro. Ignite arrows still gets through, but you negate a reasonable amount of damage that way. Blind also really helps taking the pressure off against them.
What's your primary profession? I assume you're talking about H/Hing.
General advice is just to bring some disruption if you're struggling against their healers (which aren't very strong), but you should just be able to outdamage them. The garrison area has a Monk boss that can be a bit of a nuisance, but you should manage with some disruption and adequate damage.
Ether Renewal heroes (E/Mo) are excellent and far outstrip hero Monks and N/Rts, Minion Masters are always helpful and can provide some useful support (cleaning and prots) and perhaps a Mesmer hero for some interrupts depending on your primary.
What's your primary profession? I assume you're talking about H/Hing.
General advice is just to bring some disruption if you're struggling against their healers (which aren't very strong), but you should just be able to outdamage them. The garrison area has a Monk boss that can be a bit of a nuisance, but you should manage with some disruption and adequate damage.
Ether Renewal heroes (E/Mo) are excellent and far outstrip hero Monks and N/Rts, Minion Masters are always helpful and can provide some useful support (cleaning and prots) and perhaps a Mesmer hero for some interrupts depending on your primary.
Frozen soil, shields up, and do the mission first so that the monk boss doesn't spawn.
Easy :P
Easy :P
Pain Inverter takes care of the Charr Rangers just fine in most cases. Bring some enchantment removal and interrupts, take out the Charr Dominators first, then the healers, then eles. As long as you don't over aggro, you should be fine.
m i L e s
i can vanquish the whole area perfectly fine, but then i get to the last charr boss by the beach, the monk one, he always just wipes my party. i have so much trouble beating him.
Standard H/H techniques here -
1. Micro Aegis before you engage, especially against Charr Ranger spikers;
2. Micro Prot Spirit and execute pulls if you have to;
3. Pre-cast spirits if you're using them;
4. Flag heroes / henchmen apart before aggro so they don't all die to AoE.
Standard H/H techniques here -
1. Micro Aegis before you engage, especially against Charr Ranger spikers;
2. Micro Prot Spirit and execute pulls if you have to;
3. Pre-cast spirits if you're using them;
4. Flag heroes / henchmen apart before aggro so they don't all die to AoE.