PC Some Z-Chest Drops


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2007

Russia, Moscow

Fighter For Faith [FFF]


1) Demonic Aegis Q12 Command
2) Demonic Aegis Q11 Tactics
3) Dragon Hornbow Q11
4) Colossal Scimitar Q9
5) Amethyst Aegis Q12 Motivation
6) Mursaat Hammer Q9
7) Golden Phoenix Blade Q11
8) Celestial Shield Q9 Strength

Everything is inscripable

9) Everlasting Abyssal Tonic


Stop The Storm

Stop The Storm

Keeping DoA Alive

Join Date: Jan 2007


Were In [DoA]


colossal around 20k
mursaat 60k
ceslestial shield 20k
others may get around 5k range
dragon hornbow is merch


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2007

Russia, Moscow

Fighter For Faith [FFF]


Hmm... does really Demonic Aegis cost only 5k???

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