-2/+43 HP (both stance)
s/b 100k
c/o 100k+5e (marmar)
b/o later
Echovald Shield (req 9 Strength, purple, non-insc)
-2/stance, +26 HP
s/b 50k
c/o 80k (Manimarco)
b/o later
Jellyfish Wand (req 9 Divine Favor, gold, non-insc)
Energy +5^50, HSR all spells 10%
s/b 100k
c/o 20e (byteme!)
b/o 75e
Celestial Staff (req 9 Divine Favor, gold, non-insc)
s/b 100k
b/o 100k+15e
Adept Bo Staff of Enchanting (req 12 Fire Magic, gold, non-insc)
20/10, HCT Fire Magic spells 20%, 20% longer enchants
s/b 100k
c/o 120k (Mavy)
b/o later
Insightful Bone Dragon Staff of Enchanting (req 12 Blood Magic, gold, insc) (Yes I know it's not from Factions, but it's for sale

+5 energy, +5^50, 20% longer enchants
SOLD in-game for 44e
Everlasting Boreal Tonic
s/b 20e
b/o 40e