PC on some old skool n some new


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Join Date: Jul 2005

Giggitty giggity Goo[GOO]


1)Golden Phoenix Blade (Req 9)
15 above 50
20/19 Sundering

2)Golden Phoenix Blade (Req 8 )
+15 Dmg always
-5 Energy
10/10 Furious
+30 HP

3)Golden Phoenix Blade (req 8)
15 above 50
10/10 Furious
+30 Hp

Golden Phoenix Blade of enchanting(req 8)
+5 Energy
Enchantments last 20% Longer

5)Zodiac Longbow(req 8)
15 above 50
20/20 Sundering
+30 HP

6)Fiery Platinum Longbow of Enchanting (req 8)
+15 Dmg always
-10(while attacking)
Enchantments last 19% longer

7)Mursaat Skin Hornbow (req 8)
15 above 50
20/20 Sundering
+30 HP

8)Eternal Bow (req 8)
15 above 50
20/20 Sundering

9)Ice Zodiac Sword of Enchanting(req 8)
+5 Energy
Enchantments last 20% Longer

10)Cruel Gothic Sword of Defense(Req 8)
15 above 50
+5 Armor

11)Icy Falchion oF shelter (tyrian) Req 8
15 above 50
+7 armor against ele dmg

12)Furious Katana of Fortitude (req 8)
15 above 50
10/10 Furious

13)Fiery Dead bow (req 10)
+20 dmg below 50
+1 marksmanship(19%)

14)Dead Bow(req 13)
+15 vs Hexed Foes
+29 Health

15)Sundering Skull Spear of Enchanting (req 8)
15 above 50
20/20 Sundering
enchantments last 20& longer

16) Sundering Fellblade Of Fortitude(req 9)
15 above 50
20/20 Sundering
+30 Hp

17)Icy Dragon Sword oF Fortitude(req 8)
15 above 50
+29 Hp

18) Briarwood Scyth (req 8 Scyth)
15 above 50


Ornate Shield Ffactions skin(req 12 Tactics)
-2 in stance
+29 Hp

Zodiac Shield (req 8 Tact)
+9 (vs fire dmg)
+44(while enchanted)

Zodiac Shield (req 8 str)
-2 in stance
+29 HP

Caster Items

Insightful Holy Branch of Enchanting (req 9 Divine favor)
+10 Energy
halves skill recharge of Healing prayer spells (19%)
halves casting time of healing prayer spells (20 %)
+5 Energy
Enchantments last 20% longer

Truncheon (req 8 Curses)
Halfs skill recharge of Death magic spells(20%)
Energy +5 While above 50%

Cane (req 8 illusion)
Halfs skill recharge of inspiration spells(20%)
+5 while below 50


Axe Grip of enchanting 20%
Bow Grip of enchanting 20%
+1 Protection Prayers (20%)
+1 Blood Magic (20%)
+1 Earth Magic (20%)
Crippling Bow String
Shocking Bow String

Ive been away two yrs ...PCs on these items will be greatly appreciated.



WTB q8 15^50 Weapons!

Join Date: Nov 2006

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]

Well atleast for those r8 Scythe and spear, im fairly sure they dont excist max dmg, so i assume theyre non max = merch..

r8 15^50 Gpb ~50e


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

Giggitty giggity Goo[GOO]


o yea im sry their all max dmg golds

King Bannian

King Bannian

soarer of the stars

Join Date: Oct 2009

Ontario, Canada


2)10-15e imo

3) 40-50e

4) 50e maybe more

9) ~80e imo, maybe more.

11) ~15e

12) last i saw was around 200e

16) ~25k

17) ~30e imo


Axe Grip of enchanting 20% 1k or less
Bow Grip of enchanting 20% 1k or less
Crippling Bow String 250g or less
Shocking Bow String 250g or less

King Bannian


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

Giggitty giggity Goo[GOO]


wow thx. fpr the pc.i didnt expect that katana to be around 200 ectos..