Zodiac Bow- req. 10, 15^50, health + 30, 20% armor penetration
Celestial Shield- req 9 tactics, health + 30
Celestial Sword- req 10, 15^50, double adrenaline gain (10%), swordsmanship + 1 (20% while using skills)
EDIT: Other items needing PC:
Zodiac Sword- Req 13, 15^50, health +29 (i can make it +30), 20/20, not inscriptable
Celestial Axe- Req 10, 15^50, Double Adrenaline Gain (10%), Axe Mastery +1 (20% chance), not inscriptable; can make it health +30 instead though.
Celestial Sword- Everything same as Axe, except just turn it into sword; not inscriptable; once again, can make it health +30;
Zodiac Longbow- req. 11, Health + 30, 20/20, 15^50.
Eternal Shield- req. 11 tactics., inscriptable with luck of the draw -5 (20%), Health + 30.
Celestial Compass- req. 12 communing; energy +12; health +43 (while in a stance); reduces weakness duration on you by 20% (inscription)
Storm Bow- req. 11; health 30; 15^50; 20/20;
PC on items
Mesmer of the Gods
King Bannian
celestial sword - ~10-15k imo
celestial shield - if inscribable, 20k. if non-insc, merch. (single mod)
King Bannian
celestial shield - if inscribable, 20k. if non-insc, merch. (single mod)
King Bannian
Zodiac Bow - 15-20k
Agree with King Bannian regarding the two others.
Agree with King Bannian regarding the two others.
zodiac bow can still get 30-40k pretty easy, still sell r13's for 20k without too much trouble
Mesmer of the Gods
bumpity bump bump
Zodiac Sword - ~5k
Celestial Axe - 10-15k
Celestial Sword - same as above
Celestial Axe - 10-15k
Celestial Sword - same as above
Mesmer of the Gods
bump bump..shield PC
Eternal Shield is 5-10k, mods should be salvaged and sold separately.
Mesmer of the Gods
bumpity bump bump bump