~Price Check On Random Items~


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2010



Hey just got a bunch of items and not sure what there worth if anything lol thanks for any help

1.Cyclopian Wand of Memory
11-22 cold damage
req 13 death magic
halves skill recharge of death magic spells (19%)
Inscription: "Aptitude not Attitude"death magic (19%)

2.Earth Wand
11-22 earth dmg
req 10 earth magic
Inscription: "Vengeance is Mine" (+20%)

3.Poisonous Steelblade Machete
15-22 slashing dmg
req 9 swordsmanship
lengthens poison duration on foes (33%)
Inscription: "Guided by Fate" (+15%)

4.Cruel Igneous Maul of Enchanting
19-35 blunt dmg
req 11 hammer mastery
enchantments last 19% longer
Inscription: "Don't Fear the Reaper" (+19%)

5. Sundering Stilletos of Enchanting
7-17 piercing dmg
req 9 dagger mastery
Armor penetration (+20%)
Inscription: "Too Much Information" (+15%)

6. Ebon Suntouched Scythe
9-41 earth dmg
req 10 scythe mastery
Inscription: "Strength and Honor (+15%)

7. Yuletide Tonic (1 use)

8. Creme Brulees

9. Flask of Firewater


Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2006

1 - merch
2 - ~1k or merch
3 - 10k+
4 - merch
5 - in that case, around 5-15k.
6 - 1-3k


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2010



ye soz its 9 not 7 changing now