Every weapon/shield/mod is gold, maxed, unless otherwisely noticed.
S/b=1k, unless otherwisely noticed.
B/o will be listed.
You are free to contact me ig.
I reserve the right to retract items, sell ig and reject offers.
Updated Daily.
I accept: gold, zaishen keys, ecto's, zodiac weapons.
Started thread.
Req9 Zodiac sword 15^50 20/20 +30 inscrip. c/o=40k
Req8 Falchion 15^50 tyrian. c/o=30k
Req9 Fellblade 15^50 inscrip c/o=12k
Req9 Legendary sword inscrip c/o=5k
Req9 Dragoncrest axe 15^50 tyrian
Req9 Chaos axe +1 axe mastery 19% non inscrip.
Req12 Gothic Axe inscrip
req 13 zodiac daggers 15^-10armor tyrian.
Req11 Stormbow inscrip
Req10 Shadow Bow 15^50 tyrian
Req10 Eternal Bow 14^while stance tyrian
Cyclopian Wand 9 death magic inscrip.
Zodiac scepter 13 domination +5e^50 tyrian
Req 11 Saurian Scythe inscrip.
Req12 Ancient shield inscrip (tactics)
Req9 Gloom Shield -2stance inscrip (tactics)
Req9 Shadow Shield smiting prayers +1 19% tyrian (strenght)
Req9 Ancient shield -2stance inscrip (tactics)
req10 Gloomshield inscrip (tactics)
Req9 Diamond Aegis inscrip (tactics)
Req8 Tower Shield 14 armor -5^20 tyrian (strenght)
Req9 Eternal Shield strenght +1 19% tyrian (strenght)
Req8 Grim Cesta +12 energy inscrip (blue) (death magic)
Req9 Channeling Focus +15e -1reg tyrian (channeling)
__________________________________________________ _______________
Green Weapons:
Myish's Scythe c/o=3k b/o 25k!
Feng's Focus
Shreader Talons
Daggers Of The BroodMother
Alems Remedy
Tanzits Cleaver
Hassins Shell
__________________________________________________ _______________
Elite Mesmer tome
Elite Elementalist tome
Elite Ranger Tome
Elite Paragon Tome
3x Necromancer tome 500g e
3x Elementalist tome 800g e
1x Dervish Tome 500g
Ritualist Tome 600g
Mesmer Tome 500g
Ranger tome 500g
__________________________________________________ _______________
No s/b
Title Points/Other:
33 Flasks Of FireWater
Black Dye
White Dye
101 crême brulées c/o=450g e
19 slices of pumpkin pie c/o=150g e
8 red bean cake c/o=300g e
18 eggnogs
17 fruitcakes c/o=150g e
24 sugary drinks c/o=150g e
3 birthday cupcakes c/o=500g e
Book Of Secrets
(366 sweet points)
(183 alcohol points)
__________________________________________________ _______________
Siege Turtle
Thorn Wolf x3
Celestial rat(ded)
Black moa chick(ded)
Jungle troll
Jade Armor
Temple Guardian
__________________________________________________ _______________
Melee Weapons
Furious Sword Hilt 2k
Zealous Sword Hilt 2k
Sword Pommel of Fortitude 5k
Axe Grip of Defense 1k
Axe Grip of Fortitude 3k
Axe Grip of Axe Mastery 1k
Vampiric Axe Haft 1.5k
Hammer Grip of Enchanting 2k
Hammer Grip of Fortitude 2k
Sundering Hammer Haft 2k
Vampiric Hammer Haft 2k
Furious Dagger Tang 1k
Zealous Dagger Tang 4k
Scythe Grip of Scythe Mastery 1k
Vampiric Scythe Snathe 2.5k
Ranged Weapons
Bow Grip of Fortitude 1k
Bow Grip of Bow Mastery 1k
Crippling Bow String 1k
Fiery Bow String 1k
Furious Bow String 500g-1k
Sundering Bow String 1.5k
Vampiric Bow String 1k
Wand Wrapping of Quickening 2k
Wand Wrapping of Memory 3k
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting 5k
Staff Wrapping of Fortitude 3k
Staff Wrapping of Devotion 2k
Staff Wrapping of Restoration magic 3k
Staff Wrapping of <Attribute> 2k
Adept Staff Head 2k
Hale Staff Head 2k
Insightful Staff Head 2k
Shield Handle of Devotion 5k
Shield Handle of Valor 3k
Focus Items
Focus Core of Fortitude 2k
Combat enhancing
I Have the Power! (+5 energy) 2k
Strength and Honor (+15^50) 2k
Guided by Fate (+15 enchanted) 1k
Too Much Information (+15 Vs Hex) 1k
Brawn over Brains (+15-5 energy) 1k
Vengeance is Mine (+20<50) 1k
Don't Fear the Reaper (+20 while hex) 1k
Hale and Hearty (+5 energy^50) 1k
Have Faith (+5 energy while enchanted) 1k
Don't call it a comeback! (+7 energy<50) 1k
I am Sorrow (+7 energy while hex) 1k
Spell Enhancing
Don't Think Twice (HCT10%) 500g-1k
Let the Memory Live Again (HSR10%) 500g-1k
The Riddle of Steel (+10VsSlashing) 4k
Sheltered by Faith (-2Dmg while enchanted) 3k
Run For Your Life! (-2Dmg while in stance) 3k
Nothing to Fear (-3Dmg while hex) 2k
Luck of the Draw (-5:20%) 6k
Man for All Seasons (AL+5 Vs ele dmg) 1k
IGN: V Fast As Shadow V , HF bidding!
Swift's Armani store
animal fighter
Req9 Zodiac sword 15^50 20/20 +30 inscrip. - 40k
Req8 Falchion 15^50 tyrian. - 30k
Req9 Fellblade 15^50 inscrip - 12k
Req9 Legendary sword inscrip - 5k
ign animal fighter x
Req8 Falchion 15^50 tyrian. - 30k
Req9 Fellblade 15^50 inscrip - 12k
Req9 Legendary sword inscrip - 5k
ign animal fighter x
100g/point on all sweets
Myish's Scythe + Alem's Remedy
6k on both
IGN Lord Anjing
6k on both
IGN Lord Anjing
Oblique Extinction
Hey, i'll take:
Shield handle of fortitude x2 - 10k
IGN: Aime Eskimo
Shield handle of fortitude x2 - 10k
IGN: Aime Eskimo
Elite Mesmer tome 5k
Elite Elementalist tome 7k
3x Necromancer tome 500g e
3x Elementalist tome 800g e
Ritualist Tome 600g
3 bday cakes 500g each
ign:Empress Luindy Amor
Elite Elementalist tome 7k
3x Necromancer tome 500g e
3x Elementalist tome 800g e
Ritualist Tome 600g
3 bday cakes 500g each
ign:Empress Luindy Amor
101 crême brulées - 450/ea
19 slices of pumpkin pie 150/ea
8 red bean cake 300/ea
17 fruitcakes 150/ea
24 sugary drinks 150/ea
ign: fulla kick
19 slices of pumpkin pie 150/ea
8 red bean cake 300/ea
17 fruitcakes 150/ea
24 sugary drinks 150/ea
ign: fulla kick
Bumped! bangzi and angelwjedi can contact me ig

Hydra - 1k
Koss - 6k
Siege Turtle - 1k
Thorn Wolf - 3k
Jungle troll - 1k
Temple Guardian - 1k
Total should be - 13k
I hope this will count as B/O ;D
IGN: Wastrels Enigma
Koss - 6k
Siege Turtle - 1k
Thorn Wolf - 3k
Jungle troll - 1k
Temple Guardian - 1k
Total should be - 13k
I hope this will count as B/O ;D
IGN: Wastrels Enigma
Req8 15^50 falchion -> 50k
ign : Fafa La Guedin
ign : Fafa La Guedin