5th anniversary , what you think ?
Merge day of the tengu with it, a quest line that gives a stack of tokens and a hat during the finale that cost a stack
Boss aura on the character and 40% larger size that you can switch on and off.
That would be awesome.
That would be awesome.
Neo Atomisk
I would pay up to $30/slot for an additional 4 slots, purchasing all 4 slots ofc.
(inb4 killing teamwork, I've done 95% of my titles h/h)
mini glint, mini ventari, hopefully a new (harder) elite area, or menzies in FoW. But it needs to be harder than Dhuum.
(inb4 killing teamwork, I've done 95% of my titles h/h)
mini glint, mini ventari, hopefully a new (harder) elite area, or menzies in FoW. But it needs to be harder than Dhuum.
Bob Slydell
The problem with that is that it was only designed for 4 characters (didn't have the scrolling character images/selections). They'd have to put extra time into it that I wouldn't think they feel necessary.
I have a feeling the old loading screen map files are in the dat. Oh, GWLP please come, please get finished soon!!!1111!1eleven!!11one!!!
Lycan Nibbler
Merge day of the tengu with it, a quest line that gives a stack of tokens and a hat during the finale that cost a stack

Id actually possibly pay $10 for an extra hero slot too...and I never pay for anything!
Im hoping for no more minis....and Id be nicely surprised if it were a free costume even though Id have to wait 7 months for mine...
I know what it'll be!
Monk: "Anet is casting resurrect on Guild Wars!"
Monk: "Anet is casting resurrect on Guild Wars!"
Monk: "Anet is casting resurrect on Guild Wars!"
Mesmer: NO NRG!1!!
"Players uses Magebane Shot on Anet!"
Monk: "Anet is casting resurrect on Guild Wars!"
Monk: "Anet is casting resurrect on Guild Wars!"
Monk: "Anet is casting resurrect on Guild Wars!"
Mesmer: NO NRG!1!!
"Players uses Magebane Shot on Anet!"
Gear/book-trick comes back (might just make me dust of my old W/x)
Minion cap removed (or raised to 20)
end-chest in SF
or, probably just minis and summoner stones
Minion cap removed (or raised to 20)
end-chest in SF
or, probably just minis and summoner stones

I'm thinking new minis and summoning stones. What I'd like to know is where did anyone hear or read that interview that we are getting a surprise or whatever for the 5th anniversary thing? I'd like to check it out. Thanks.
A new set of minipet
Maybe a new Tonic
New Costumes for Cash.
I hope:
New Quest/Rewards for something.
A new set of minipet
Maybe a new Tonic
New Costumes for Cash.
I hope:
New Quest/Rewards for something.
Kenzo Skunk
7 heroes. Game is so old, stale and with no new content, so thay can throw in just about anything. So, why not?
Well, Linsey did set a precedent with last years April update. Let's hope the Live Team still has the manpower to make another big update.
Riot Narita
One year after the introduction of Zaishen Challenge Quests, Zaishen Coins, and Nicholas the Traveller... I expect:
1. A new rotation of PvE Zaishen Challenges
2. Additional rewards available in exchange for Zaishen Coins
3. New items that can pop from Gifts of the Traveller
And a new costume.
And at least one Big Thing that Linsey has been secretly working on.
I'll be happy just to restock my Cupcakes.
1. A new rotation of PvE Zaishen Challenges
2. Additional rewards available in exchange for Zaishen Coins
3. New items that can pop from Gifts of the Traveller
And a new costume.
And at least one Big Thing that Linsey has been secretly working on.
I'll be happy just to restock my Cupcakes.
Raven Wing
What I expect: New minis
What I guess: New tonic, costume and maybe some kind of new quest
What i desire: Revive places like sf and tombs with some extra monsters and a end chest with new cool stuff
or a new realm accessible from the dwayna statues
or spicific quests,missions or similar leading towards gw2
What I guess: New tonic, costume and maybe some kind of new quest
What i desire: Revive places like sf and tombs with some extra monsters and a end chest with new cool stuff
or a new realm accessible from the dwayna statues
or spicific quests,missions or similar leading towards gw2
Bill Clinton
They are going to give us the best thing of all, we're going to stop: ''I'm using a Bukdek Byway!''
I cant wait.
I cant wait.
Hoping for an update as big and meaningful as the 4th Anniversary one. Are my hopes too high?
Hope it's NOT: more minis (waaay too many of them in game), summoning stones (ditto), pure cosmetic stuff (won't bring players back)
And a short wishlist to pick good stuff from (pick at least 3):
-Vanquishing ZQuests,
-Xunlai Marketplace,
-A global lfg system,
-Balancing update part 2 (there's much still to do),
-Reviving some underplayed content with new challenges and new well thought rewards that are NOT "more of the same".
-Codex ATS.
-Something new, special and untradable for 5 years characters.
Hope it's NOT: more minis (waaay too many of them in game), summoning stones (ditto), pure cosmetic stuff (won't bring players back)
And a short wishlist to pick good stuff from (pick at least 3):
-Vanquishing ZQuests,
-Xunlai Marketplace,
-A global lfg system,
-Balancing update part 2 (there's much still to do),
-Reviving some underplayed content with new challenges and new well thought rewards that are NOT "more of the same".
-Codex ATS.
-Something new, special and untradable for 5 years characters.
Considering how late the skill update was, I expect the 5th year update to come about the time of the 6th year one.
I Hope they Delete every acc hitting 5yo
Would be so awesome :P
Would be nice to start over
Would be nice to start over

what i think will seriously be?
Probably the costumes of the other 3 gods
And the usual set of mini pets (hope for mini glint so bad...)
What i hope?
End Boss in FoW
Tormented ARMORS!!!
A summoning stone of my self, with my same skillbar that respond to all my vocal commands
Probably the costumes of the other 3 gods
And the usual set of mini pets (hope for mini glint so bad...)
What i hope?
End Boss in FoW
Tormented ARMORS!!!
A summoning stone of my self, with my same skillbar that respond to all my vocal commands
Deatgs Corrupter
i sure hope it isnt something time based like chars who are 5 years old co i have deleted all my old chars 
i think new costumes would be cool and new nick items and new quests.
i think new costumes would be cool and new nick items and new quests.
Olim Chill
Doesn't matter at this point. Even on the remote possibility they give you something new besides minis and summoning stones, who are you going to show it off to? The empty towns and outposts? Groups doing speed clear who could give a shit? LOL.
Azure mist
Mini livia
mini zenami
mini Reaper Of Lab!!!!!???????
Why isn't there a mini phantasmal yet?
Or even better reaper summoning stone!
Everyone loves summoning stones!!!
Or on a more serious note
1. add 2 shield skins 1 spear, 1 sword skin and 1 offhand skin that are actually cool put them in uw, fow, zchest, hoh chest only
2. ????????
mini zenami
mini Reaper Of Lab!!!!!???????
Why isn't there a mini phantasmal yet?
Or even better reaper summoning stone!
Everyone loves summoning stones!!!
Or on a more serious note
1. add 2 shield skins 1 spear, 1 sword skin and 1 offhand skin that are actually cool put them in uw, fow, zchest, hoh chest only
2. ????????
I know what it'll be!
Monk: "Anet is casting resurrect on Guild Wars!" Monk: "Anet is casting resurrect on Guild Wars!" Monk: "Anet is casting resurrect on Guild Wars!" Monk: RUPT FFS Warrior: NO ADREN FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU Mesmer: NO NRG!1!! "Players uses Magebane Shot on Anet!" Everyone: |
Trader of Secrets
Well I dont expect too much on this 5th anniversary party, maybe a variant on existing item, e.g. summoning stone. I would however like to see some kind of content update, like new "new", not something like Dhumm-infested UW. But on another less intense update, new zchest skins/items. Yea I understand the workforce on GW is thin, but its been a long time since any content update.
I'm still hoping for Ooze Invasion

Party of 7 Heroes, yes that old chestnut, that and a free stack of ectos, maybe if I rub this lamp enough a Genie will pop out...*POOOOF* 

Shemsu Anpw
Tormented Armors would be cool kinda glowy and stuff. Average player couldnt afford them though. (I'm one of those Casual type players) 
Costumes of the three other Gods is probabaly coming down the Pike..
I would like to see some BMP though that would be cool for each of the races to come. Maybe get guns early through the BMP.(Yeah I know some people see that as a naughty word(Guns that is.)) What may be more likely is some sort of BMP pack concerning the Silvari....and their awakening or something.
I'd like a newset of super cool elite set of armors for all the classes. With like wings on the paragons, necros looking partially or fully skelatal/vampish, rits with spirits overlaping their image, elementals looking like an elemental form, and the like but all done super well. And you dont need ecto for any of it lol. Make them like the mini moa.... campaign quests.

Costumes of the three other Gods is probabaly coming down the Pike..
I would like to see some BMP though that would be cool for each of the races to come. Maybe get guns early through the BMP.(Yeah I know some people see that as a naughty word(Guns that is.)) What may be more likely is some sort of BMP pack concerning the Silvari....and their awakening or something.
I'd like a newset of super cool elite set of armors for all the classes. With like wings on the paragons, necros looking partially or fully skelatal/vampish, rits with spirits overlaping their image, elementals looking like an elemental form, and the like but all done super well. And you dont need ecto for any of it lol. Make them like the mini moa.... campaign quests.
Tormented Armors would be cool kinda glowy and stuff. Average player couldnt afford them though. (I'm one of those Casual type players)
![]() Costumes of the three other Gods is probabaly coming down the Pike.. I would like to see some BMP though that would be cool for each of the races to come. Maybe get guns early through the BMP.(Yeah I know some people see that as a naughty word(Guns that is.)) What may be more likely is some sort of BMP pack concerning the Silvari....and their awakening or something. I'd like a newset of super cool elite set of armors for all the classes. With like wings on the paragons, necros looking partially or fully skelatal/vampish, rits with spirits overlaping their image, elementals looking like an elemental form, and the like but all done super well. And you dont need ecto for any of it lol. Make them like the mini moa.... campaign quests. |
I am expecting something more gimmicky like a summoner stone title...along with something to recycle the game again like z-quests, and a whole bunch of new things to spend money on like last year... i wouldn't expect something really cool that would be free
As long as it's glowy and stuff it's ok for me.

Biiiiig boom.
I want to see the Henge of Denravi crumble
Double Party Points wouldn't go amiss though.
You are an evil evil person 
*clings to her old dye system armors for dear life*
I want to see the Henge of Denravi crumble

Double Party Points wouldn't go amiss though.
I Hope they Delete every acc hitting 5yo
Would be nice to start over ![]() |

*clings to her old dye system armors for dear life*
Markus Clouser
Quit dreaming, those will never happen.
This would be great and at the same time good advertising too.
Yes please. Would be nice to have a Balthazar costume for example.
More Bonus Mission Packs please. Forgotten, Archemorus, St Viktor, some ideas. Not enough time to do them though.
As for 5th year minis, I want a miniature Togo.
This would be great and at the same time good advertising too.
Costumes of the three other Gods is probabaly coming down the Pike..
More Bonus Mission Packs please. Forgotten, Archemorus, St Viktor, some ideas. Not enough time to do them though.
As for 5th year minis, I want a miniature Togo.
Add EL tonics to the HoM.
Cool looking mini pets; like Glint.
End Boss in FoW or TotPK.
Mini transaction crap I wont buy.
New rewards from Traveler Gifts.
New content bridging the gap between GW1-->2; with a campaign quest reward would also be nice.
Cool looking mini pets; like Glint.
End Boss in FoW or TotPK.
Mini transaction crap I wont buy.
New rewards from Traveler Gifts.
New content bridging the gap between GW1-->2; with a campaign quest reward would also be nice.
Chasing Squirrels
Im gonna have to go with costumes i also found mini pets useless considering that you can trade them its kind of pointless or i guess you can sell them for free gold or dedicate them.