WTS 250 Cele Stones & Gift Bags
Selling as packages only!
- 250x Celestial Summoning Stones -
s/b = 300g ea
c/o = 500g ea (chaosincarnate87)
b/o = 1k ea
- 250x Red Gift Bags -
s/b = 250g ea
c/o = 250g ea (Cropheus Lanthos)
b/o = 500g ea
IGN: God of Prophecy
Cropheus Lanthos
sb on bags
IGN Cropheus Lanthos
IGN Cropheus Lanthos
s/b 250x Celestial Summoning Stones
s/b = 300g ea
IGN- To Cie Uleczy
s/b = 300g ea
IGN- To Cie Uleczy
400g ea on the stones pm for ign
The Feeding
450g/ea on stones
500g ea on stones
Updated the c/o's on both items, and will sell to the highest bidders in a day or two.