Francisco's Minis and Tomes


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2010

American Night


Prices are all flexible, listed are buyouts. Offer up.

Minis - All are Unded

Year 1

Temple Guardian - 500g
Fungal Willow - 500g
Hydra - 500g
Charr Shaman - 3k

Year 2

Juggernaut (x2) - 3k each
Mandragor Imp - 3k
Aatxe - 3k
Koss - 7k

Year 3

Forest Minotaur - 5k
Ooze - 10k
Freezie - 10k

Year 4

Terrorweb Dryder - 10k


Elite Assassin - 3k
Elite Ranger - 5k
Ranger - 250g
Elementalist - 250g

Will sell all of above as a package (minis and tomes) for 50k!

Let me know - IGN Francisco Doomsday

Edit - Forgot to include all minis are unded.