Lot's of mods/upgrades + random items
Updated daily
Please leave your ingame name for a fast deal!
You can also try to whisper me ingame: Freja Af Wolffestar
All prices are B/O only, except for weapons where you can leave an offer if you want to!
Mods 1k each
Let the Memory Live Again (HSR10%)
Let the Memory Live Again (HSR10%)
Strength and Honor (+15^50)
Don't Think Twice (HCT10%)
Dagger Handle of Fortitude
Vampiric Bow String
Focus Core of Swiftness
Bow Grip of Fortitude
Bow Grip of Defense
Scythe grip of warding
Staff Wrapping of Shelter
Strength and Honor (+15^50)
Sword Pommel of Warding +7 vs ele dmg
Sword Pommel of Warding +7 vs ele dmg
Mods 2k each
Sundering Bow String 20/20
Sundering Bow String 20/20
Sundering Hammer Haft
Bow grip of fortitude +30 health
Hammer grip of fortitude +30 health
Mods 3k each
Sword Pommel of Enchanting
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting
Staff Wrapping of Earth Magic
Sundering Dagger Tang
Sleep Now in the Fire (+10VsFire)
Sleep Now in the Fire (+10VsFire)
Mods 4k each
Dagger Handle of Enchanting
Mods 7k each
Mods, no fixed price
Hammer Grip of Demonslaying (+20%)
Bow grip of skeleton slaying (+20%)
Random items:
Green Items:
Byzzr's benediction (x5) 1k each
Rocktail's Stinger 1k
Bazzr's Wail 1k
Shelboh's Gaze 1k
Elite Monk Tome x3 - 8k each
Eternal Bow r13 inscript,
Ghorstly Staff r10smiting, Red.blind 20%, +5 armor, enchant 20% (none inscript)
Hale and Hearty (+5 energy^50) 1k, Amethyst Aegis of Fortitude (r9com) incript run for your life, +30h - 10k, Brawn over Brains (+15-5 energy) 1k, Dagger Handle of Shelter 1k, Warrior x5 - 500g ea, Eternal Shield (r9 str Purple) inscript!!! - 15k, Celestial summoning stones x11 - 500g each, Aptitude not Attitude (HCT20%) - 7k, Serenity Now (HSR10%) 1k, Leaf on the Wind (+10VsCold ) 2k, Birthday present 2y - 10k, Bredyss' Staff 4k, Glacial Stones 76 - 150g each, Elite Ranger Tome 5k, Fondalz's Artifact 1k, Sword Pommel of Enchanting 3k, Strength and Honor (+15^50) 1k, Elite Elementalist Tome 7k, Seize the Day (+15 energy -1 health regen) , Celestial summoning stones x29 - 500g each, Shamrock Ales 58 - 80g each, Winterdays gifts x49 x 250g each, Strength and Honor (+15^50) , Adept Staff Head 2k, 4y presents x2 - 20k /ea, Hale and hearty 1k,
Please leave your ingame name for a fast deal!
You can also try to whisper me ingame: Freja Af Wolffestar
All prices are B/O only, except for weapons where you can leave an offer if you want to!
Mods 1k each
Let the Memory Live Again (HSR10%)
Let the Memory Live Again (HSR10%)
Strength and Honor (+15^50)
Don't Think Twice (HCT10%)
Dagger Handle of Fortitude
Vampiric Bow String
Focus Core of Swiftness
Bow Grip of Fortitude
Bow Grip of Defense
Scythe grip of warding
Staff Wrapping of Shelter
Strength and Honor (+15^50)
Sword Pommel of Warding +7 vs ele dmg
Sword Pommel of Warding +7 vs ele dmg
Mods 2k each
Sundering Bow String 20/20
Sundering Bow String 20/20
Sundering Hammer Haft
Bow grip of fortitude +30 health
Hammer grip of fortitude +30 health
Mods 3k each
Sword Pommel of Enchanting
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting
Staff Wrapping of Earth Magic
Sundering Dagger Tang
Sleep Now in the Fire (+10VsFire)
Sleep Now in the Fire (+10VsFire)
Mods 4k each
Dagger Handle of Enchanting
Mods 7k each
Mods, no fixed price
Hammer Grip of Demonslaying (+20%)
Bow grip of skeleton slaying (+20%)
Random items:
Green Items:
Byzzr's benediction (x5) 1k each
Rocktail's Stinger 1k
Bazzr's Wail 1k
Shelboh's Gaze 1k
Elite Monk Tome x3 - 8k each
Eternal Bow r13 inscript,
Ghorstly Staff r10smiting, Red.blind 20%, +5 armor, enchant 20% (none inscript)
Hale and Hearty (+5 energy^50) 1k, Amethyst Aegis of Fortitude (r9com) incript run for your life, +30h - 10k, Brawn over Brains (+15-5 energy) 1k, Dagger Handle of Shelter 1k, Warrior x5 - 500g ea, Eternal Shield (r9 str Purple) inscript!!! - 15k, Celestial summoning stones x11 - 500g each, Aptitude not Attitude (HCT20%) - 7k, Serenity Now (HSR10%) 1k, Leaf on the Wind (+10VsCold ) 2k, Birthday present 2y - 10k, Bredyss' Staff 4k, Glacial Stones 76 - 150g each, Elite Ranger Tome 5k, Fondalz's Artifact 1k, Sword Pommel of Enchanting 3k, Strength and Honor (+15^50) 1k, Elite Elementalist Tome 7k, Seize the Day (+15 energy -1 health regen) , Celestial summoning stones x29 - 500g each, Shamrock Ales 58 - 80g each, Winterdays gifts x49 x 250g each, Strength and Honor (+15^50) , Adept Staff Head 2k, 4y presents x2 - 20k /ea, Hale and hearty 1k,
Lady Erighan
Amethyst Aegis 10k please
Master Seneca
Hale and Hearty (+5 energy^50)
IGN: Soothing Yui
IGN: Soothing Yui
added new items....
Eternal Shield (r9 str Purple) inscript!!! - 15k
Warrior x5 - 500g ea
IGN: Casimir Effect
Warrior x5 - 500g ea
IGN: Casimir Effect
Bumping this thread
Bumping this up again
amrak ilitia
I'll give you 4k for
Shocking Grinning Recurve Bow of Fortitude (r9) inscript +15% while in Stance, +30h - 5k
IGN: amrak ilitia
Shocking Grinning Recurve Bow of Fortitude (r9) inscript +15% while in Stance, +30h - 5k
IGN: amrak ilitia
Lady Orfina
Mods 1k each
Serenity Now (HSR10%)
IGN: Elementalist Orfina
Serenity Now (HSR10%)
IGN: Elementalist Orfina
Midnight Sands
Mods 7k each
Aptitude not Attitude (HCT20%) *NEW*
IGN: Midnight Waters.
Aptitude not Attitude (HCT20%) *NEW*
IGN: Midnight Waters.
Diffrent Color Man
Leaf on the Wind (+10VsCold ) 2k
IGN: Diffrent Color Man
IGN: Diffrent Color Man
Scarlett Romanov
Bredyss' Staff 4k
Birthday present 2y - 10k
ign dyne belacqua
Birthday present 2y - 10k
ign dyne belacqua
Bumping this one up :-)
Seize the Day (+15 energy -1 ene regen)
Lil Layra
Lil Layra
bumping this one up
Celestial summoning stones x29 - 500g each
ign:Empress Luindy Amor
ign:Empress Luindy Amor
bumping this one up
updated!!! with new mods
bumping it up again
added lots of birthday presents
bump :-) please post before you whisper me ingame

bumping it up
bump more mods will come later on today because of chestrunning
bumping it up :-)