Old-School +1 Shield mods
Gallimimus Guy
Hey, while identifying several old school shields, I've ended up with some odd +1 (20% of the time) mods, so far, with ele, monk, and necro attributes. Is there a chance to have one for any class/attribute, or is it just casters?
its just for caster attributes, monk, ele, necro, mesmer, rit. did i miss any xD?
I saw a strength shield that had +1 (20% strength) and some other mod.
So, i guess it can be some of warrior attributes too.
So, i guess it can be some of warrior attributes too.
Just answered about the same thing in another thread yesterday.
The only attributes you may find a +1 mod for on a Tyrian/Canthan shield are:
-Strength, Tactics
-Divine Favor, Healing Prayers, Protection Prayers, Smiting Prayers,
-Air Magic, Earth Magic, Fire Magic, Water Magic
-Blood Magic, Curses, Death Magic
-Domination, Illusion, Inspiration
The only attributes you may find a +1 mod for on a Tyrian/Canthan shield are:
-Strength, Tactics
-Divine Favor, Healing Prayers, Protection Prayers, Smiting Prayers,
-Air Magic, Earth Magic, Fire Magic, Water Magic
-Blood Magic, Curses, Death Magic
-Domination, Illusion, Inspiration