Two Easy Fixes for ANet
IF ANet is trying to promote multi player activity and balanced PvP, here are a couple of changes that will accomplish this for all time without any more useless, costly, alienating skill nerfs..
For PvE, forgive me for the lack of lingo... Get rid of the higher rate of good drops for lower number of players completing the task...Then there will be no incentive for people to solo.
There you go, a simple and cheap way to get it done.
As for PvP add a randomness factor that will randomize results unrelated to what the player or team is running. So a dominant team will not win 99 of 100 but only say 75 of 100.
If this gets implemented and works do I get a cookie?
For PvE, forgive me for the lack of lingo... Get rid of the higher rate of good drops for lower number of players completing the task...Then there will be no incentive for people to solo.
There you go, a simple and cheap way to get it done.
As for PvP add a randomness factor that will randomize results unrelated to what the player or team is running. So a dominant team will not win 99 of 100 but only say 75 of 100.
If this gets implemented and works do I get a cookie?
lol that idea is stupid, the randomness in pvp will make good players quit because bad players will automatically beat them 25% of the time.
Adding more frustration to what should be an enjoyable gaming experience sounds like a great way to lose future customers. Force people to form up larger groups and all the hassle and time that involves = herding cats = frustration. Add random factor to kill a group run and waste people's real life time = frustration. They nerfed the fun right out of 600 monks so I have vowed to not buy their fun game GW2 or continuing playing GW1 one minute longer than I have to in order to strip my characters, fill the hom, and slam the door behind me. Yup, your suggestions for more frustration and less fun sounds like Anet will think they are brilliant so I seriously would expect them to implement them soon.
Commander Kanen
@ Tramp, If you are not buying GW2 what is the point in filling your HoM ?
The mentality of people on this forum really amazes me.
At the post, Loot scaling was implimented to slow down solo farming but allows full human teams to get the same drops.
The mentality of people on this forum really amazes me.
At the post, Loot scaling was implimented to slow down solo farming but allows full human teams to get the same drops.
Shayne Hawke
For PvE, forgive me for the lack of lingo... Get rid of the higher rate of good drops for lower number of players completing the task...Then there will be no incentive for people to solo.
As for PvP add a randomness factor that will randomize results unrelated to what the player or team is running. So a dominant team will not win 99 of 100 but only say 75 of 100. |
For PvE, forgive me for the lack of lingo... Get rid of the higher rate of good drops for lower number of players completing the task...Then there will be no incentive for people to solo.
/signed for the PvE suggestion
For PvE, forgive me for the lack of lingo... Get rid of the higher rate of good drops for lower number of players completing the task...Then there will be no incentive for people to solo.
It is already implemented, if you want a cookie you will have to wait for a cookie dropping weekend.
Loot scaling really only affects white drops (stopped many bots from just going to the merchant with 100 whites every 2 minutes) and how many time gold(coins) drops.
Deatgs Corrupter
the pve idea doesn't work.
loot scaling means that solo players don't get all the drops, but just those that one would get from taking a full team. now if we take into account tht droops are based on random table, with each drop randomly selected and assigned, therfore the whole system would have to be re-coded to allow for as third script to run and check party size and then for that script to change the algoramith so that loot is scaled accordingly.
to me that will take a long long time.
now ur ridiculous pvp idea; if you are not good at something then you do not win tht is life. this 'random factor' is stupid because good pvp teams will lose to **** teams. if you want to join a pvp guild/group if u get rank discriminated, just start a pvp guild looking for new people willing to learn, because there are 100's of people who want to pvp. practice and become good.
~later gl+hf deatgs
loot scaling means that solo players don't get all the drops, but just those that one would get from taking a full team. now if we take into account tht droops are based on random table, with each drop randomly selected and assigned, therfore the whole system would have to be re-coded to allow for as third script to run and check party size and then for that script to change the algoramith so that loot is scaled accordingly.
to me that will take a long long time.
now ur ridiculous pvp idea; if you are not good at something then you do not win tht is life. this 'random factor' is stupid because good pvp teams will lose to **** teams. if you want to join a pvp guild/group if u get rank discriminated, just start a pvp guild looking for new people willing to learn, because there are 100's of people who want to pvp. practice and become good.
~later gl+hf deatgs
Loot scaling in PvE fix should not be so hard, its been done before, so I am assuming. So your chance of getting a gold or green drop will be the same if your a party of 1 or 8.
Regarding randomizing factor... The good teams will still win most of their matches just not as dominating, sort of like real life, the better team don't always win, you will get the Cornell's of this world beating U of W in the NCAA(ha ha ha). Something like skills failing for no apparent reason, (this may fix both farming as well as PvP) Just because your better does not mean you should always win xD. If this game is some sort of simulation of the real world, there should be some uncontrolled random factors that make the outcomes more uncertain. I would just like some more fluke outcomes.
Regarding randomizing factor... The good teams will still win most of their matches just not as dominating, sort of like real life, the better team don't always win, you will get the Cornell's of this world beating U of W in the NCAA(ha ha ha). Something like skills failing for no apparent reason, (this may fix both farming as well as PvP) Just because your better does not mean you should always win xD. If this game is some sort of simulation of the real world, there should be some uncontrolled random factors that make the outcomes more uncertain. I would just like some more fluke outcomes.
The whole point of the game is skill > luck or grind. The second you put that in you might as well call it a game of dice
We already have what you are asking for. It is called Random Arena. Any other random factor introduced to places like AB, JQ, FA, CA (which already has random), HA, or GvG is a bad idea. As noted, random makes good play a waste of time. Why spend time learning how to play well, form effective builds, form effective teams, acquire good tactics, and then lose because some new player in starter armor got lucky with a random roll? Hell, even though I disagree with them, I'd support the topics asking for RA to be less random than this.
Let's just flip a coin (OR ROLL)
/lol (not signed)
/lol (not signed)
I think you don't get my point Skill is greater than Luck. All I am saying is let luck have a material factor in the outcome.
luck doesn't deserve a place in what supposed to be a challenge of skill...and I find it amusing that you think it should...
/notsigned x 2...
Originally Posted by
5. Post One Idea Per Thread
Do not post "A Few Ideas" threads. If you have more than one idea ---first double check with the search button and the index thread to make sure they're fresh suggestions, and create a separate thread for each one with a relevant title. If you don't feel like creating a separate thread for each suggestion you have, post all of them in the Index of Ideas thread stickied at the top of the forum. |
I'd like the PvE suggestion, but only if solo and h/h would maintain the same drop rate, and human teams would increase it. I don't know if it's technically possible to implement (they already changed the drop rate system, as already mentioned), but this wouldn't increase the frustration IMHO, because one can continue to play solo or h/h without any negative effect: it would only be highly better to play with other humans.
Zahr Dalsk
I'd like the PvE suggestion, but only if solo and h/h would maintain the same drop rate, and human teams would increase it. I don't know if it's technically possible to implement (they already changed the drop rate system, as already mentioned), but this wouldn't increase the frustration IMHO, because one can continue to play solo or h/h without any negative effect: it would only be highly better to play with other humans.
So for PvE you want even more extreme loot scaling than there is? Sounds horrible when you don't explain exactly what you mean, because loot scaling introdced 3 years ago does what you wanted... almost.
The worst thing about current loot scaling system is that it doesn't scale down gold item drops on HM. It was an absolutely terrible idea that likely did more damage to the low-end/mid-range weapons market even than the introduction of the inscription system, and combined they did a killing blow to this part of the economy. Gold influx was dramatically cut but a solo farmer is able to produce 15-20+ gold items per hour, getting many more golds than purples.
3 years too late but I'd still like that one fix - gold item drops should be lootscaled.
And for PvP there's already a quite much randomness there - HCT/HSR triggers, random chance to block, critical strikes, behavior of npcs, random disconnects and lag spikes, and the whole build wars game where you can predict what opponents will come with but you often have to guess with no 100% certainty. And still the better team wins almost always.
Anyway, other than saying that more random is bad, I'd ask you how would you like to implement such a HEAVY random element? Elaborate please. You can't just say you want the match results be so heavily dependant on randomness, you should say where the randomness should come from. A massive rework of many skills to enforce a strong random element? Random enviromental effects? More disconnects? One team starting with some random %DP, varying number of npcs or what? It all sounds absurridic.
The worst thing about current loot scaling system is that it doesn't scale down gold item drops on HM. It was an absolutely terrible idea that likely did more damage to the low-end/mid-range weapons market even than the introduction of the inscription system, and combined they did a killing blow to this part of the economy. Gold influx was dramatically cut but a solo farmer is able to produce 15-20+ gold items per hour, getting many more golds than purples.
3 years too late but I'd still like that one fix - gold item drops should be lootscaled.
And for PvP there's already a quite much randomness there - HCT/HSR triggers, random chance to block, critical strikes, behavior of npcs, random disconnects and lag spikes, and the whole build wars game where you can predict what opponents will come with but you often have to guess with no 100% certainty. And still the better team wins almost always.
Anyway, other than saying that more random is bad, I'd ask you how would you like to implement such a HEAVY random element? Elaborate please. You can't just say you want the match results be so heavily dependant on randomness, you should say where the randomness should come from. A massive rework of many skills to enforce a strong random element? Random enviromental effects? More disconnects? One team starting with some random %DP, varying number of npcs or what? It all sounds absurridic.
I think that the point is less technical than it sounds. The idea is to increase the rewards for team play, but not for solo and h/h (which would continue to be viable ways to make some money though). I agree that it's stupid that the gold drop rate for solo players is the same as for human teams. There has to be an advantage when playing with other people, simply that.
If anything they should get rid of loot scaling and FINALLY rebalance the drops for normal pug groups in area to match the effort it takes. 2 Gems for It should be 8 times what people would get from raptor farm PLUS an extra premium for the difficulty and the effort required to form a group. Trying to nerf drops of soloing so that it matches the NOTHING from normal group play is retarded.
@ Tramp, If you are not buying GW2 what is the point in filling your HoM ?