Kaolin Daggers
Ungues of the Oni
Mohby's artifact
Ritual Lord's Staff
Barbed Dagger Tang
Cruel Axe Haft
Hammer Grip of Hammer Mastery
Bow Grip of Fortitude
Staff Wrapping of Fortitude
Axe Grip of Shelter
Cruel Sword Hilt
Cruel Hammer Haft
Staff Wrapping of Dragon Slaying
Sword Pommel of Fortitude
Axe Grip of Axe Mastery
Sword Pommel of Demonslaing
Also selling elite assassin Tome for 4K. Offers open on everything else. IGN is Thurman Murmann.
Selling Some Greens (Also some mods)
Thurman Murman
Thurman Murman
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