Price Check Please


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2010

Lose Your Nerve


Could I get a price check please on these items? Thanks


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

1) r11 15stance inherent gold Stormbow - I'm thinking 5-10k, as the insc. r9 versions don't go more than 50k these days

2) r9 15stance inherent gold Celestial Longbow - not sure, wouldn't think more than 15-20k, if that

3) r9 15^50 inherent gold Eternal Bow - I think I saw one sell for ~80k recently.

4) unded Mini Lich - no idea. You might check the minipet PC sticky.

5) r12 15^50 inherent gold Cleaver - depends on the skin
- if the Tyrian skin, ~2k and hard to sell
- if the Canthan skin, not sure but probably worth more and easier to sell.

Hopefully you'll get more opinions

Cheers & GL!

EDIT - re: Coffee's comments about the 15stance bows, he's right that you might have a hard time finding someone who wants to fight in a stance with a longbow-type bow. The prices I mentioned for 1) & 2) were rough guesses based on the skins. I still wouldn't merch them, but you may have to be prepared to settle for much less or wait a long time. :/

Coffee Man

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2008


We Miss Ascalon Int [dis]


1 - Merch imo, stance dmg mod is pretty much useless on bows

2 - Merch aswell, same reason + I had trouble selling r9 15^50 cel bows for even 10-15k, so not worth the time cause no one will buy

3 - 50-60k imo

4 - agree with Luny hehe

Look for more opinions as always

Hope this helped


Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2006

1 - 1-3k or merch
2 - same as above
3 - 60-80k - these ones are really sought after
5 - merch