Cursed Lands End of the World
Essence Snow
For some odd reason (tried mutiple times) my war cannot go back into Cursed Lands from Black Curtain.

That is indeed a strange bug, kinda the same happend to me in eotn for a week ago
the zone to Rata sum was just...gone?
the zone to Rata sum was just...gone?
Hells Fury
you're just rubberbanding
More than likely it's an issue with your .dat file. I'll move this to Technician's Corner so you can get more help.
If im not mistaken...
This has to do with the zoning not kicking in. You tried to go throught the portal and it didnt work. When you are in an instance (or a map such as the black curtain), there are boundaries like you are seeing.
That instance does NOT encompass the rest of the world, only the zone that you are in and portals out of that zone.
There was a similar issue way back in the day with Beacons Perch. When you were in Lornar's Pass, the portal to Beacons Perch was bugged. You could actually go in to Beacons Perch but it was apart of the Lornar's Pass instance.....thus no npcs, no people, no xunlai chest, and no portal to the Deldrimor Bowl. You could pass through "beacons perch" into the Deldrimor Bowl only so far to where there was a ending of the map like you encountered.
I'm not completely certain, but I believe there was an update to fix that issue.
And no ....it wasnt or isnt rubberbanding as stated above.
This has to do with the zoning not kicking in. You tried to go throught the portal and it didnt work. When you are in an instance (or a map such as the black curtain), there are boundaries like you are seeing.
That instance does NOT encompass the rest of the world, only the zone that you are in and portals out of that zone.
There was a similar issue way back in the day with Beacons Perch. When you were in Lornar's Pass, the portal to Beacons Perch was bugged. You could actually go in to Beacons Perch but it was apart of the Lornar's Pass instance.....thus no npcs, no people, no xunlai chest, and no portal to the Deldrimor Bowl. You could pass through "beacons perch" into the Deldrimor Bowl only so far to where there was a ending of the map like you encountered.
I'm not completely certain, but I believe there was an update to fix that issue.
And no ....it wasnt or isnt rubberbanding as stated above.
Did that into kamadan once, was so quiet..
Hells Fury
Ok, maybe it wasn't standard rubberbanding but i had same problem with entrance into Shards of Orr. I went way past the portal into cave and hit that "end of the world" wall. There were path dots and enemies on map. I just went back, it warped me slightly and i entered again. It just looked like rubberband to me. Maybe you should have killed yourself when u were there with vamp weap...then rez and try again. Or repair .dat as they said, dunno rly...