Here's Lion's Arch. Wish Lion's Arch was this peaceful and quiet huh? No guilds recruitments spams, no trade spams, no NPC, and no body else.

Turbo Ginsu
Essence Snow
What I would like to know is, if they aren't in Deadlore, and they aren't in any of the other popular places, then where the hell did they go? Obviously we'll probably never know, but I for one would dearly love to get my hands on a list of player numbers both pre and post-nerf, just to see how badly (or not) the recent nerf-fest has impacted the playerbase.
Anyone else just the slightest bit curious? |
What irritates me most of all is going to Deadlore Shrine ( <Not a typo) now, at what used to be the busiest time of day, seeing only one Am Eng d1, with a mind-blowing 23 players in it. I started to worry. What I would like to know is, if they aren't in Deadlore, and they aren't in any of the other popular places, then where the hell did they go?
Killed u man
Mini Vizu