alright I have some items to sell....
I have 827 party points (mostly tonics...about 50 are spammable)
s/b = 100g per
b/o = 175g per
also have some sweet points
125 jars of honey
113 honeycombs
total = 363 sweet points
s/b = 100g
b/o = 175g
more may be added....depends on if i can get them out of pre searing or not
bids are on all the points no askin for specific items
also have 2 mini pets
ded mini celestial RAT - offer
unded celestial OX - offer
will sell by Tuesday March 30th
party and sweets
150gp each point sweet. Xx Dogz Xx
bump it up.... will sell tomorrow (monday)
b/o on sweets~
IGN: Link Owns
IGN: Link Owns