WTS from list

kronos tyrus

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2010


Im taking offers for these items

1.sundering tribal spear/armor pepentrate20% chance is 16%,damage is +13% while enchanted(requires 11 spear mastery)
2.shield of the wing of valor/ HP+45 while hexed(requires 9 tactics)
3.crual spiraling spear of warding/length deep woulnd duration by 33%, armor +7vs elemental, damage+15% while enchanted(requires 12spear master)
3.inscription "measure for measure"
4.Assassan tome
5.Ranger tome
6.Warrior tome
7.Rune of major vigor
8.Ele rune of minor air magic(2)
9.Mesmer rune of major illussion magic
10.Ele rune of major water magic
11.Warrior rune of major strength
12.mini temple guardian
13.silver dyes (6)
14.yellow dyes(3)
15.ornage dyes (2)
16.green dyes(2)
17.purple dye
18.blue dye
19.brown dye
20.staff wraping hp +29
21.staff head energy +4
22.sundering axe shaft 20%
23.copper shillings(2)
24.equipment requisition
25.ranger rune of major expertise
26.silver bullion coin
27.ele rune of minor energy storage
28.geomancer insignia [ele] (3)
29.aeromancer insigina [ele]
30.prismatic insignia [ele]
31.minipet jade armor

IGN: kronos tyrus

kronos tyrus

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2010


plz bump my thread

nigro marcia

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2007

guardianes de elona


22.monastery credits(9)
24.battle commendations (5)
25.kouran coin
31.inscription"master of my domain"
2,3k on them
IGN Nigro Marcia


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2010


10 warrior tomes 300g ea

IGN vinn de warrior

kronos tyrus

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2010


bump my thread