LF Gate of Madness Run NM

Robbeh The Mad

Robbeh The Mad

Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2009

AFK somewhere in Kryta

Raven Alliance


Hello, I am currently looking for a Gate of Madness run for my Necro. I am willing to pay 10k for a successful run and may throw in a decent bonus. I am online from 1am-3am PST and 12 noon to 3pm

IGN: Rob Blackheart



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


I am willing to help you here... I dont need the 10k. I will also playing as a necro this time (variant of discord). The mission is not that hard (even in HM) but i usually bring 1 conset to make things a bit easier. Maybe we can share the costs of that.

Problem may be my timezone (I live in Europe, GMT+1). Tbh i dont know how many hours that differs from the PST timezone. But it is weekend, which makes it easier to find a time where we can play together...

A little tip (in case we cant play together): I usually do this mission with H&H. My key-hero is a "whirling axe" warrior (WA = a stancebreaker and very good versus Shiro in both NF and Factions). For the rest i use a lot of hexes, conditions, rt spirits and heals.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


I just realized that i read your post wrong... i now see you want to do it NM (somehow i read HM). Still can play, but then preferably with my sin (but she still has to do gate of pain first... she is already in that outpost).

Update 1: Sin arrived at GoM
Update 2: Sin completed NF (i didnt hear anything from you)