Hey I got these 3 items from Zaishen chest can anyone tell me how much they're worth?
Razor Claw Scythe of Defense (req 9 Scythe mastery)
Armor +5
inscription: "too much information"
Dmg +14% (vs. hexed foes)
Diamond Aegis of Fortitude (req 12 Tactics)
health +29
"inscription: run for your life"
Received physical dmg -2 (while in a stance)
Chimeric Eye of Fortitude (req Illusion 13)
Health +29
"inscription: Sheltered by faith"
Received physical dmg -2 (while enchanted)
Pc on 3 items
Razorclaw Scythe - 10-15k
Diamond Aegis - merch
Chimeric Eye - merch
Diamond Aegis - merch
Chimeric Eye - merch