Please close this thread
I need the following missions in HM with Bonus; I'll pay Paladin's Services prices for them:
Eternal Grove - Finally found a PUG
Unwaking Waters (Kurzick) - Helped by guildwarspantera
Divinity Coast - Did it myself.
Bloodstone Fen - Helped by guildwarspantera
Sanctum Cay - Helped by guildwarspantera
Dragon's Lair - Helped by guildwarspantera
Time Zone: US -6 Central
IGN: Clara Fee (prefer forum PM in case I'm not logged in)
Need the folliwng few missions
i will do some of these
Soul Link
I can run whatever you have left to do. Drop me a line ingame or PM me here, I'll also PM you when I get on.
IGN: Twilight Breaker
IGN: Twilight Breaker
Bump. Just need one more.