-WTS :
-STAFF HEADS(Insightul(x5)=2,5k,Swift=2kk,Defensive=1k)
-SWORD HILTS (Vampiric=2k,Sundering=2k,Zelous=2k)
-SWORD POMMEL(of enchanting=2,5k)
-HAMMER GRIP (of enchanting=2,5k)
-Mesmer tomes (x25) = 350ea
-Elite sin tomes (x2) =3k ea (SOLD OUT)
-Ele tomes (x5)= 500ea (SOLD OUT)
-Warrior tomes (x2) =300ea
-Ancient Scythe of Enchanting q9 = SOLD OUT
-Daggers of Xuekao (+15%damage,+20% armor penetration,enchantments last 20% longer) = 6k (SOLD OUT)
-Poisonous Eternal Bow of Enchanting q11 (inscribable)=10k
-Sundering Stilettos of Fortitude (q9, inscribable)=SOLD OUT
-Tahkayun's Pincers (x2) =5k
-The Bison Cup=4k
-Icy Dead Sword of enchanting=12k
-Milius Pillar (green q9 earth magic staff, +10 energy, halves casting time of spells 10%, halves recharge of spells 20%, health+30, energy +5)=9k
-Kersh Staff=6k
-Kaswa's Gluttony (q9 blood magic staff, energy +10, halves casting time of blodd magic spells 20%, halves skill recharge of spells 20%, enchantments last 20% longer)=9k
IGN= Nephthyus Raa or Shakti Banshee
Storage cleanout
-Ele tomes (x5)= 500ea
take these
ign: fulla kick
take these
ign: fulla kick