LF SpeedBookers

joely b

joely b

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2007

GREAT Britain



Hello comrades, I am currently in search of someone to SpeedBook me.

I need exactly 15 books, preferably done all at once (which is roughly 2 or so hours I assume?).

I will pay whatever the price, as long as it is feasible.

Anytime on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday would be very much appreciated. I want to make sure we can just sit down and get them all out of the way in a 2-3 hour period.

IGN: Joely B

~ Thank you all.

jon comgree

jon comgree

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2010


Let Rastigan [taNk]


ign: joncom gree
my price is simple, 15k a book
afk is no additional fees
pm me ingame or i will pm u

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