I reserve the rights not to sell if I so choose. Mods please close any other threads if I have any (I looked but just in case).
Party Points5 Mischievous Tonic(s) - 350g each
1 Transmogrifier Tonic(s) - 350g each
3 Frosty Tonic(s) - 350g each
12 Yuletide Tonic(s) - 350g each
5 Mysterious Tonics - 750g each SOLD
25 Crate(s) of Fireworks - 500g each
67 Bottle Rocket(s) - 150g each SOLD
1 Squash Serum(s) - 150g each SOLD
1 Snowman Summoner(s) - 150g each SOLD
47 Sparklers(s) - 150g each SOLD
50 Champagne Popper(s) - 150g each SOLD
Sweet Points5 Blue Rock Candy(ies) - 750g each SOLD
CollectableSuperb Charr Carving(s) - 250g each
Mods1 Fiery Bowstring(s) - 500g each
1 Adept Staff Head(s) - 1k each
WeaponsFiery Dragon Sword q11 (INSC) - 1k
Equine Aegis q12 Tactics (INSC) - 1k
If you wish to buy/bid on something, please leave the item(s) you want and either post your IGN or PM it to me and I will contact you in-game.
Thanks for looking!
Orphus's WTS List - Party Points, Sweet Points, Collectables, and more
I'll buy these
Party Points
67 Bottle Rocket(s) - 150g each
1 Squash Serum(s) - 150g each
1 Snowman Summoner(s) - 150g each
47 Sparklers(s) - 150g each
50 Champagne Popper(s) - 150g each
5 Mysterious Tonics - 750g each
Sweet Points
5 Blue Rock Candy(ies) - 750g each
Kanwulf The Viking
Party Points
67 Bottle Rocket(s) - 150g each
1 Squash Serum(s) - 150g each
1 Snowman Summoner(s) - 150g each
47 Sparklers(s) - 150g each
50 Champagne Popper(s) - 150g each
5 Mysterious Tonics - 750g each
Sweet Points
5 Blue Rock Candy(ies) - 750g each
Kanwulf The Viking
*BUMP* updated list with sold items.
*BUMP* 12char