Ondals Low End Shop
Buyout on the Emblazoned! 2. Stash! 15k
IGN Kazzim The Great
IGN Kazzim The Great
Ondals Wisdom
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Ondals Wisdom
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Coffee Man
38. Req10 Stormbow 15^50 OS b/o 18k
I'll take that one ty
IGN --> Azeral Styx OR Zippy Styx (Two different accounts)
I'll take that one ty
IGN --> Azeral Styx OR Zippy Styx (Two different accounts)
Ondals Wisdom
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Ser The Monk
B/O #1 Draconic Spear and #34 GotH. I'm on right now, or just catch me whenever.
IGN: Ser Rodrik Loras (or Ser Monk Loras - everything under that account)
IGN: Ser Rodrik Loras (or Ser Monk Loras - everything under that account)
Ondals Wisdom
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I haven't read through all the posts... but b/o on staff wraps of channelling and restoration.
IGN: The Famous Flamingo
IGN: The Famous Flamingo
Focus core of Aptitude 20% b/o 2k
"Sieze the Day" b/o 750g
Rang Iku
"Sieze the Day" b/o 750g
Rang Iku
Ondals Wisdom
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"Serenity Now" x 1
item traded, ty for the quick response in-game!
item traded, ty for the quick response in-game!

Ondals Wisdom
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Ser The Monk
Back again. B/o on pyroclastic axe. Think it is #1, 25k. Also on #9, shinobi for 15k. I'll be on later.
25. Req9 Naga Shortbow 15^50 OS b/o 10k
my ign is Elenna Niniel
my ign is Elenna Niniel
1. Enameled shield 5k
IGN: Lytria Syron
IGN: Lytria Syron
Ondals Wisdom
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Devil Luca
retract sry..........
Ondals Wisdom
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Ondals Wisdom
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Ondals Wisdom
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Oblique Extinction
Retracted sorry
b/o on Dragon kamas
IGN Williams The Knight
IGN Williams The Knight
Ondals Wisdom
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Ondals Wisdom
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Ondals Wisdom
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Ondals Wisdom
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Ondals Wisdom
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Seems the new marketplace is causing business to slow quite a bit
Seems the new marketplace is causing business to slow quite a bit
"Serenity Now" b/o 2k
IGN - Lance Dark Knight
IGN - Lance Dark Knight
Req7 Tactics/15AL "Blue" Spiked Targe
20e IGN: Oo Vassi Oo
20e IGN: Oo Vassi Oo
Ondals Wisdom
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Fatally Flaw
Staff Wrapping of Divine 20% b/o 1k
Staff Wrapping of Smiting 20% b/o 1k
Staff Wrapping of Protection 20% b/o 1k
ign--fatally flaw
Staff Wrapping of Smiting 20% b/o 1k
Staff Wrapping of Protection 20% b/o 1k
ign--fatally flaw
Ondals Wisdom
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B/O 20k Stash -> 10. Req9 Storm bow 15/-10 OS b/o 20k
IGN: Claymore Milia
IGN: Claymore Milia
Ondals Wisdom
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Ondals Wisdom
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Yoo Hoo Hoo
. Golden Rin Relics x 3 b/o 5k/each
ing:yo hoo hoo
ing:yo hoo hoo
Will buy:
9. Req9 Command Eagle Defender b/o 5k
IGN Athena The True
9. Req9 Command Eagle Defender b/o 5k
IGN Athena The True
Ondals Wisdom
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Ondals Wisdom
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Ondals Wisdom
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