

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2007

Liars Cheats and Thieves

All listed items are gold, and the mods are perfect unless otherwise stated. Following are pretty much B/O price, so if you make a bid usually I will sell it immediately. I reserve the rights to cancel sell for whatever reason. Thanks for checking

NEW! Lowered Prices... and reorganized based on req.

IGN: Evia Guoeam

Martial Weapons

s/b 2k
Q9 Icy Dragon Sword of Fortitude, non-ins, s/b 20k
Q9 Icy Sephis Sword of Warding, ins, s/b 4k

s/b 5k
Q10 Cruel Elemental Sword, ins, s/b 3k
Q12 Vampiric Butterfly Sword of Enchanting, 20^-50, +19%, non ins, s/b 1k
Q12 Fiery Dragon Sword of Defense, 14^-5e, non-ins, s/b 500g

Q10 Bronze Crusher of Enchanting, ins s/b 2k
Q12 Zealous Greater Glyphic Maul, ins, s/b 2k
Q12 Icy Mursaat Hammer of Enchanting, 17%, non-ins, purple, s/b 1k

s/b 25k

s/b 1k

Q8 Sundering Gothic Axe of Fortitude, 15%-5e, non-ins, Q8 max, s/b 70k
Q12 Cruel Tribal Axe of Axe Mastery, ins, +19%, s/b 2k
Q13 Zealous Lesser Jagged Reaver of Defense, ins, s/b 2k

Q9 Sundering Ironwing Flatbow of Marksmanship, ins s/b 10k

s/b 1k
Q10 Fiery Ivory Bow of Warding, ins, s/b 2k
Q11 Sundering Shadow Bow, 15%^-5e, non-ins, s/b 3k
Q11 Silencing Composite Shortbow of Enchanting, +5e, 19%, ins s/b 2k
Q13 Ebon Dragon Hornbow of Enchanting, ins, 3k

Q12 Silencing Ceremonial Daggers of Fortitude, 15^-5e, non ins, s/b 3k

Q9 Zealous Destoryer Scythe of Enchanting, 15^50, ins s/b 30k
Q9 Zealous Saurian Scythe of Enchanting, +5e, ins s/b 30k
Q9 Suntouched Scythe of Fortitude, 15^enchanted, ins, 7k
Q13 Barbed Ornate Scythe of Scythe Mastery, ins, s/b 1k

Q9 Sunburst Spear, ins, 3k
Q11 Zealous Bronzehead Spear of Spear Mastery, 15^50, +19%, ins, 5k

Q8 (tac) Summit Warlord Shield, 16 ar, non-ins, s/b 5k
Q9 (str) Shadow Shield, +60^hexed, non-ins, s/b 2k

s/b 2k
Q12 tall shield of fortitude, -20% bleed, ins, 6k

Caster Items

Q9 Defensive Dolyak Prod Staff of Enchanting, 15^50, +19%ench, ins s/b 5k
Q9 Insightful Dolyak Prod Staff, +4, 15^hexed foe, ins s/b 4k
Q10 (Divine Favor) Holy Branch, ins, 1k

s/b 1k
Q11 (Blood Magic) Truncheon of Memory, ins s/b 3k
Q11 (Healing Prayers) Eternal Flame Wand of Memory, +7e<50, 20% HSR, s/b 4k
Q13 (Divine Favor)Hale Shadow Staff of Deathmagic, -10% casting time, deathmagic 19%, non-ins s/b 2k
Q13 (Soul Reaping) Swift Moldavite Staff of Valor, ins, dyed blue, s/b 3k
Q13 (Curses) Insightful Accursed Staff of Enchanting, 15%^-5e, 19%, ins, s/b 2k

s/b 1k

Q8 (Inspiration) Starfish Focus, ins, blue s/b 10k
Q9 Healing Ankh 5ar^enchanted, non-ins s/b 1k

2 Q5 (Earth Magic) Earth Scroll +6e, +5 armor -5e, +25 hp, **Blue, non-ins, this is the old school e-denial off-hand before inscriptions s/b 100g

Staff Wrapping of Deathbane 1k
Zealous Hammer Shaft 1k
Cruel Hammer Shaft 1k
Heavy Hammer Shaft 1k
Zealous Axe Haft 1k
Icy Axe Haft 1k
Zealous Scythe Snathe 8k
Insightful Staff Head 1k

ins "Dance With Death" 15%^stance 1k

Yamesh's Anguish (illusion) 20% recharge +5e^50 2k
Mallyx's Zeal 5k
Claw of the Forgotten 7k
Grenth's Grasp 8k
The Soulwailer 8k
Kanaxai's Edge 3k


ded cave spider 500g
ded Charr Shaman (purple) 1k
53 Crates of Fireworks 400g ea
1 Stack of Shamrock Ale 22k
80 mesmer tomes 400g ea
30 Gifts of The Traveler 5k ea
3 Bottom Right Map Piece 500g ea
2 Top Right Map Piece 500g ea

Elon's Rose

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2010

Forever Knights [FK]


10k on the Serpentine Reaver
1k on the Brute Sword
2k on Summit Warlord Shield #2
2k on Militia Shield

IGN: Rose Of The Elon



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2008



maplewood longbow r9 5k?

pm me in game as soon as possible

IGN: Punisher Neukku



Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006


s/b on Q10 Cruel Elemental Sword

IGN: The Rule Of Mule



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2007


I Nemesis I (DuEL)


Q10 Zodiac Longbow of Enchanting, 15%^enchanted, non-ins, 3k

IGN: Kira Yamatu


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2007

Liars Cheats and Thieves


The Mad Addict

The Mad Addict

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2008




3k Summit Warlord

IGN American Player

Nobody Silverblade

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2010


Kanaxai's Edge 3k

I'll take it

IGN: Masabashi Sama



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2008

Seafarer's Rest

Eternal Clarity [Ankh]


Ironwing 20k

ign -yero chan