Collection Of Oldschool Nerfed Items :)
teh bestest is here
50e on each q8 double neg eternal
Xx Devour Xx
50e....Amber Aegis,interested in B/O.
10e on q7 12^50 gladius
7e on earth staff q8 10/10
7e on earth staff q8 10/10
51e on the -2/-2 eternal.
Ravaidan jalir
20e on q7 gladius
teh bestest is here
Bring up my post pl0xor2
teh bestest is here
Bring up this Post.
60e on -2/-2 eternal
65e on Both Eternals
15e on Oni Blade +5 energy
IGN: Dzine Wtb
IGN: Dzine Wtb
20e oni blade, 10e earth staff, 15e q7 wingblade, 10e q7 fds, 10e shadow shield
Matrix Arcade
50zkey r7 round shield
IGN: <--
IGN: <--
Panda Grrr
200e Crystalline

70e on -2/-2 eternal
220 e crystalline
Panda Grrr
250e Crys...........
Rise Today
45e/each wingblade Q7
ING : Rise Today
ING : Rise Today
10e shadow shield , 10e guardian of the hunt
55e on that amber
80e on the -2 -2 eternal, offer still stands on -2 -3
teh bestest is here
I like it when ya thread goes
teh bestest is here
Bump this up pl0xorz
wanna tell us what is the b/o eternal shield -2/-2 and i offer 87e
ign ;; Dwanya Blackblood
ign ;; Dwanya Blackblood
and both q7 wingblades 55e ea
ign ;; Dwanya Blackblood
EDITED by LicensedLuny Reversed this warning. I did not notice at first that someone had already bid on the swords in question. My apologies.
ign ;; Dwanya Blackblood
EDITED by LicensedLuny Reversed this warning. I did not notice at first that someone had already bid on the swords in question. My apologies.
Luke D
15e on -2/-2 shadow
IGN Lorelei Sigent
IGN Lorelei Sigent
Hells Fury
q9 shadow shiled -2stance/30 hp 15 e
100e on the -2, -2 eternal pl0x
70e on ony blade IGN : Per Amore Di Sete
105e on -2/-2 eternal
btw marmar i know u r fake bidding ^^
btw marmar i know u r fake bidding ^^
interested abaout r/c and b/o of wingblades and shield
btw can u give u ign so we can talk in game
EDITED by LicensedLuny for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID Post a bid or do not post Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email. If you need to update your existing bid with more information
your existing post and PM the seller. Do not post a new non-bid reply.
Do not post a new reply when you already have the most recent post on the thread. If you want to make offers on additional items or increase your bid, click
on your existing post and change/add as necessary. If it has been some time since your last post, you might also send the seller a private message to let them know you've made changes.
Each reply posted to a thread bumps it to the top of the forum list. Do not make consecutive posts to bid on items in the same thread.
If other users have posted to outbid you, you must make a new post if you want to bid higher. If you are outbid in a new post, you may not go back to your first post and edit to raise your offer, aka "stealth bidding."
In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban
Please read the Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations. These rules ensure everyone has a fair chance at having a thread on the first few pages.
btw can u give u ign so we can talk in game
EDITED by LicensedLuny for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID Post a bid or do not post Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email. If you need to update your existing bid with more information

lol Dwayna, Teh knows me in game xD So im pretty sure he knows im not.
110e on eternal
110e on eternal
it was a joke 
120e on the -2/-2 eternal *sigh*

120e on the -2/-2 eternal *sigh*
125e on eternal

teh bestest is here
bring this up pl0x
teh bestest is here
b u m p .. . .. . . .
teh bestest is here
bring this up pl0x
teh bestest is here
bump, closing this soon, none of the offers are near high enough
teh bestest is here
bump it up...
le seul moine
70e/ea Q7 wingblade