Packrat Storage Clear
Frozen Ele
retract, bought a different paper fan
retracted sorry
15k on gothic axe
ign: atrocious svn
ign: atrocious svn
25k on Zodiac Scepter - r9 Divine Favor
12k on the Demon Fangs.
Bump for the day.
Remember to contact me for pending items.
Am ingame most of time after 3pm, but afk on and off, so PM me and I'll check back every so often and get back to you.
Remember to contact me for pending items.

Bogroot Focus (Green) - r9 Channeling, HCT Channeling20%, HSR Channeling20% - s/b 5k
IGN: That Patrick Guy
IGN: That Patrick Guy
20k on demon fangs
Fear The Apocalypse
Celestial Axe - r10, Lengthens Weakness 33%, insc - s/b 5k
I'll do S/B on item.
IGN Fear The Apocalypse
if interested in selling PM me. I'll be on today at 2:45pm PST
I'll do S/B on item.
IGN Fear The Apocalypse
if interested in selling PM me. I'll be on today at 2:45pm PST
S/B on Eternal Flame Wand R9 Heal
IGN: Punisher Neukku
IGN: Punisher Neukku
Long Sword - r9, Lengthens Deep Wound 33%, Dmg +20%(vs undead), insc: "Dance with Death"(Dmg+15% while in stance) ------> 2k
Ikarus Kan
Ikarus Kan
I'll go 25k on the Wingcrest Maul if other buyer doesn't take it.
IGN: Trixie Lynne
IGN: Trixie Lynne
30k on wingcrest
A bumpity.
Delivered a lot of items. Still a lot left to be delivered!
Delivered a lot of items. Still a lot left to be delivered!
1k on Ancient Daggers =P (assuming they are of gold rarity)
IGN: Asriel Raelis
IGN: Asriel Raelis
Jonos Forrest
I'll take this if it's available.
Staff Wrapping of Fortitude +30 - 4k
IGN: Jonos Forrest
Staff Wrapping of Fortitude +30 - 4k
IGN: Jonos Forrest
And a bumpity.
Voodoo Rage
Mini Charr and Koss for posted price.
IGN: Steel Bloodsong
IGN: Steel Bloodsong
Bump for the day (since I'm able to sign in/post after all that mess. ;P)
Gothic Axe back up for sale.
Delivered a few other items.
Remember to contact me ingame for the stuff you have pending or b/o!
Am ingame after 3pm EST.
Gothic Axe back up for sale.
Delivered a few other items.
Remember to contact me ingame for the stuff you have pending or b/o!
Am ingame after 3pm EST.
And a bump for the day.
All pending items will be back up for sale tomorrow as people have not contacted me/I have not seen them online.
All pending items will be back up for sale tomorrow as people have not contacted me/I have not seen them online.
Bump for the day.
Fatally Flaw
Oni Daggers *NON-INSC*- r9, Dmg +15% vs hexed foes, Zealous - 3k
ign--fatally flaw
ign--fatally flaw
Scarlett Romanov
Mysterious Armor Remnants x3 - s/b 5k ea
I'll take all of them
ign dyne belacqua
I'll take all of them
ign dyne belacqua
B/O on 19% Forget me not.
My IGN is Arras Tai.
My IGN is Arras Tai.