WTS Weapon Mods and Inscriptions

Psyconaut Amandil

Psyconaut Amandil

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2008

Chico, CA

The Kurzicks New World Order


Look over all the Upgrades I have and Post here which you would like to buy, then PM me In game. IGN: Psyconaut Amandil
If your looking for a specific mod that isn't listed here, I most likely have already sold all of them and didn't put it up.
All Weapon Mods and Inscriptions are max/perfect (whichever you prefer to call it.)
These are literally taking up my entire storage and the Demand is high so hurry!

Soundness of Mind x1
Guided by Fate x6
Don't Think Twice x5
Let the Memory Live Again x1
Strength and Honor x3
Too Much Information x6
I Have the Power x3
Don't Call it a Comeback x2
Hale and Hearty x2
I am Sorrow x1
I Have Faith x1
Hail to the King x1
Dance with Death x2
Cast out the Unclean x1
Brawn Over Brains x1
Leaf on the Wind x1
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Bow Mods:
Barbed String x 1
Silencing String x1
Sundering String x2
Fiery String x1
Vampiric String x1
Poisonous String x1
Grip of Warding x1
Grip of Fortitude x1
Grip of Enchanting x2
Grip of Shelter x1
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Warrior Weapon Mods:
Zealous Axe Haft x1
Zealous Hammer Haft x1
Zealous Sword Hilt x1-Sold
Hammer Grip of Fortitude x1
Hammer Grip of Shelter x1
Fiery Hammer Haft x2
Shocking Axe Haft x1
Icy Axe Haft x1
Axe Grip of Deathbane x1
Axe Grip of Shelter x1
Axe Grip of Warding x2
Cruel Sword Hilt x1
Sword Pommel of Deathbane x1
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Shield Mods:
Shield Handle of Fortitude x2
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Staff and Wand Mods:
Wand Wrapping of Quickening x4
Wand Wrapping of Memory x1
Defensive Staff Head x2
Hale Staff Head x1
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Dagger Mods:
Dagger Handle of Defense x1
Dagger Handle of Shelter x2
Dagger Handle of Enchanting x1
Dagger handle of Dagger Mastery x1
Shocking Dagger Tang x1
Furious Dagger Tang x1
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Focus Cores:
Focus Core of Endurance x2
Focus Core of Swiftness x1
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Spear Mods:
Fiery Spearhead x1
Furious Spearhead x4-Sold
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Psyconaut Amandil

Psyconaut Amandil

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2008

Chico, CA

The Kurzicks New World Order


bump! buy this stuff.