Fendi' Staff
req 9 (soul reaping)
Halves skill recharge of spells: 20%
Halves casting time of spells: 10%
Health +30
Fendi's Rod
req 9 (death magic)
Halves skill recharge of Death Magic spells: 20%
Energy +15
Energy Regeneration: -1
Fendi' Focus:
req 9 (death magic)
Energy +15
Energy regeneration: -1
Health +30
PC on Fendi' Staff, Fendi's Rod, Fendi's Focus
I Love Guild Wars
Your thread here got caught in the forum spam filter by mistake, my apologies. It should be visible to everyone now. I am posting this to bump it for you.
Please use the timestamp of this post as a reference for your next 24 hour bump.
Please use the timestamp of this post as a reference for your next 24 hour bump.
I don't see these going for more than 1-5k each, so probably around that range.