LF Proph Runner



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2009



As the title says, I'm looking for a runner. It's mainly just outposts with 1 mission, if possible.

First I need the 3 mission outposts in the Southern Shiverpeaks, (Iron Mines, Ice Caves, and THK for those who don't know) and a few of the other outposts that I'm missing, Granite, Marhan's etc etc. Have a few places we could start from, Drok's, Beacon's etc etc. Can talk about that when the time comes.

Then I need a run to the Desert and the usually tour, this includes running to Sanctum Cay and the mission itself.

IGN: Synyster Smiter, pm me and we'll set up a time.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2008

Nc (IGN-A Golden Psp)

Smooth Writing Ball Poing [pen]


i can run the desert tour pm me