1000 PP and 1000 lvl 5 alcohol
Mr Wolfbane
100k + 3e. (121 each ) for all Party Points
IGN: Faile Wolfbane / Faile to the Max
< interested in a quick buy.
IGN: Faile Wolfbane / Faile to the Max
< interested in a quick buy.
~Retract since sold.
warlord david
S/B on Ales
Warlord David
Warlord David
150k for all PPs
IGN The Vulcinator
IGN The Vulcinator
Mr Wolfbane
160k for all Party's.
IGN Faile Wolfbane / Faile to the Max
IGN Faile Wolfbane / Faile to the Max
Neponde Benito
100k + 15e for booze
<-- IGN
<-- IGN
Spiked Eggnogs and Firewater, 1k total
s/b 100kc
c/o 100k + 15e
r/b 100k + 30e
b/o 100k + 40e
s/b 100kc
c/o 100k + 15e
r/b 100k + 30e
b/o 100k + 40e