Neo's Sell Thread


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2007

EVERYWHERE! IGN The Neoezekiel

The Fallen Souls [SouL]



Items and upgrades:

Sword Upgrades:

Sundering Sword Hilt (Armor Penentration) 20/20 (x3) -> 3k

Sword Pommel Of Enchanting - 20% longer enchantment -> 3k

Axe Upgrade:

Sundering Axe Haft 20/20 -> 3k

Axe Grip Of Enchanting-> 3k

Spear Upgrades:

Scythe Upgrade:

Zealous Snathe 20/20 -> 3k

Scythe grip of Enchanting 20% longer ench -> 3k

Bow Upgrades

Grip of Fortitude +30hp (x3) -> 2k

Sundering Bowstring 20/20 -> 2k

Zelaous Bowstring -1energy degen +1energy gain on hit -> 2k

Dagger Upgrades:

Dagger Handle of Fortidute +30hp -> 3k

Dagger Handle of Enchanting 20% longer ench -> 3k

Staff Upgrades:

Staff Wraping of Enchanting 20%longer ench (x2) ->3k

Insightful Staff Head +5 energy -> 1k

Focus Upgrade:


Random Items:

My High End Sale Thread