Price Check on 6 random golds

Quantum Assassin

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2007

Shing Jea Monastery Dis142

Sudden Rise In Temperature [HEAT]





Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2008

Ign: Miniature Julia

Teh Academy[PhD]


All can go for 1-3 k
id salvage the good mods, they will sell for more.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2006

Agree with above, though I would personally merch most of them, particularly 17 and 21 after salvaging.

Quantum Assassin

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2007

Shing Jea Monastery Dis142

Sudden Rise In Temperature [HEAT]


Can I actually get price checks please...?

Eli Scrubs

Eli Scrubs

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

Yeah, the price check is whatever the merchant will give you.


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Ok, right off the bat, you need to understand two things.

First, there is no such thing as a set price of weapons in this game. Different people have different experiences buying and selling, so price checks are inherently a range instead of a set, fixed price.

Second, there are many times when "merch" is a reasonable price check response. Those people are telling you that for whatever reason (high req, non-max, unpopular skin, etc.,) they advise you not waste your time trying to sell an item to another player and simply merch it. Some people find it worthwhile to spend time trying to sell things for even 1k each; others find that a waste of time and, therefore, suggest that anything under a certain min. price simply be merched to save time.

Now, as to your specific items.

17. r13 gold insc. Platinum Sickles - these are merch food b/c of the r13. (You should strip both the tangs and the handle and sell separately, both are worth at least a couple plat and fairly easy to sell.)

18. r9 gold insc. Azure Recurve Bow - I would say 5kish, but it can take a while to sell. As recurve bow skins go, this one is fairly popular. Unfortunately, bows in general are not high demand these days. So it may take you a while to find a buyer.

19. r9 gold insc. Platinum Sickles - I would guess 3-5kish. I haven't noticed these in high demand/prices since they started appearing inscribable in EotN.

20. r9 gold insc. Half Moon - I would guess 1-3k. Shortbows are usually one of the hardest bow types to sell. The skin is not bad, but it's far from being considered rare or hard-to-find.

21. r10 gold insc. Elemental Sword - These don't sell for anywhere near the kind of prices that they did before EotN came out. You may still be able to find buyers, but I doubt this is likely to fetch more than 5kish ... if that.

22. r9 max insc. Ungula Axe - 3-5kish ... if you can find a buyer! Axes are not impossible to sell, but they're not as popular as they used to be. I stumbled upon someone in game the other day asking to buy one of these and sold him my spare for 5k. In the past six months or so, that's the only time I've noticed anyone asking for one. I'd listed my spare Ungula Axe for sale a few times and never had any interest for even 1k b/o.

Cheers & Good luck!