Selling 5,500 Sweet Points


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2009

This Is Srs [Bsns]


EDITED & CLOSED by LicensedLuny This thread is old. The original poster has not posted a bump or edited this first post in over a month. Please check the original poster's thread activity before making a post!


I have the following sweets for sale:

10 Stacks of Chocolate Bunnies - 70k each SOLD

2 Stacks of Golden Eggs - 35k each SOLD

PMing me in game would be the best way to buy from me, but I will try to check this thread frequently as well. Thank you!

ign: Asriel Raelis

Fear The Apocalypse

Fear The Apocalypse

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2006

Project Flyswatter [SWAT]


I'll take 1 stack of Eggs. 35k or both stacks for 35k+5e

IGN Fear The Apocalypse

I am PST time zone. Will be on at 5:30-6pm PST


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2009

This Is Srs [Bsns]


Still have my bunny stacks if anyone's interested =)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2009

Passionate Kiss Of The Pirates


ill buy 1 stack of bunnies ign: Nick Nikawo Nick

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