WTS Stacks of ToT (Trick or Treat) Bags | 17e/2 stacks, 60K/stack, 240g each

Krazy Kat

Krazy Kat

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2007

The Rejected Sins/The Remaining Sins [SOF]

I am selling Stacks of ToT (Trick or Treat) Bags. Get your consumable titles maxed today

Current inventory: 64 Stacks & 107 Bags (16,107 bags)

60K/stack or 240g each
17e/2 stacks

Ectos valued at 7K each.

IGN: Tot Bag Storage

Krazy Kat

Krazy Kat

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2007

The Rejected Sins/The Remaining Sins [SOF]
