
My Kittays Daggers

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2010

We Sell Our Bodies For A [Ecto]


Polymock Piece:Gold Stone Rain

Swords:Caster Ascalon Razor MAX GOLD REQ9,Platinum Blade of Fortitude MAX GOLD REQ9

Sheilds:Gloom Sheild of Fortitude MAX GOLD REQ10 (dyed black)


Bows GOLD MAX REQ9 AzureBow

Minis:MINI UNDEDS:Abyssal,Aatxe DEDs:Mini Lich GOLD,Mursatt

i got more sheilds but but i dont feel like switching chars to look at names

Guildwars:My Kittays Daggers is who u pm