Looking to clear some space in storage. buyouts only. please leave your ign so I can find you ingame.
Minis (undedicated) 2k each
Wind Rider
Cloudtouched Simian #1
Cloudtouched Simian #2
mini dredge brute (dedicated) 500g
40 misc tonics 12k (1 beetle, 1 searing, 7 mischievous, 26 phantasmal, 5 cottontail)
7 disco balls 8k
5 crates fireworks 2k
cheap minis,tonics,gifts,etc b/o only
I ltake gifts
IGN Tristan Turambar
IGN Tristan Turambar
Hi, I'll take the Mini Abyssal for 2K
IGN - Killer Man Jinne
EDIT: Fast and quick trade =) thanks
IGN - Killer Man Jinne
EDIT: Fast and quick trade =) thanks
Enraged Midget Man
B/O 63 hard apple ciders 25k
IGN Enraged Midget Man
IGN Enraged Midget Man
75 grog
~Thank you.
~Thank you.
Bump deleted sold items
Scarlett Romanov
i'll take both simians 4k total
ign dyne belacqua
ign dyne belacqua