As of yesterday, my laptop is crashing while running gw.
What happens is: comp shuts itself down to hibernate after running GW for a bit. It seems like it could be an overheating issue, but I don't know for sure. I'm er... sort of clueless when it comes to most of this >_>
I'm running win 7 64 professional. 4g ram. Core2 Duo 2.0. Nvidia GeForce 9600M GT
Can provide more details if need be.
Laptop crashing running GW [win 7 64, prof]
i dont know alot about computers but i do know alot about my computer overheating and thats what it sounds like to me. i would suggest downloading a temperature monitor program like speedfan, and monitor your fan speed and temperatures when you run gw to see if thats the issue.
Zarion Silverarrow
I got windows 7 64bit home premium
this doesn't happen to me...try going to properties and running in compatability with windows xp or vista?
Update drivers?
And yea like the guy above said,download speedfan I use it...its simple and great
this doesn't happen to me...try going to properties and running in compatability with windows xp or vista?
Update drivers?
And yea like the guy above said,download speedfan I use it...its simple and great
Orange Milk
My desk top CPU crashes the same way, after doing anything video related that makes it work harder.
It IS because it overheats.
I've since removed the side panel of the box and placed a 2' x 2' box fan up against it and solved the problem, plus it cools the room there that it's in.
It IS because it overheats.
I've since removed the side panel of the box and placed a 2' x 2' box fan up against it and solved the problem, plus it cools the room there that it's in.
Yes, sounds very much like a overheating problem. I have two suggestions:
1. Either get one of thoose coolingpads that blows fresh air under your laptop.
2. Try change the power options to reduce cpu power to minimize the heat:
Click battery icon, More power options, change balanced plan settings, change advanced power settings, Processor power management, Maximum processor state. Change the value here from 100 to 50 and see if it makes a difference. As an added bonus you'll get longer battery life as well.
1. Either get one of thoose coolingpads that blows fresh air under your laptop.
2. Try change the power options to reduce cpu power to minimize the heat:
Click battery icon, More power options, change balanced plan settings, change advanced power settings, Processor power management, Maximum processor state. Change the value here from 100 to 50 and see if it makes a difference. As an added bonus you'll get longer battery life as well.
the cooling pads work really well but they don't last long. I have been through 2 in about 3 years. I guess you get what you pay for.