Full Campaign Runners



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2008


Ok, i work from home so i have plenty of time to manage getting quests accepting rewards or such.
Id like full campaign runs of
Factions (x2)
Eotn (x3)
Nf (x2)
Proph (this one im kinda looking to get me to sanctum, through desert and to droks so i can ascend and get my attributes. x1)
Pm Me on here to discuss

deathmaster felix

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2007



i can run most of these:
I just do PQ's and Missions.
Special Quests costs extra.
Following Prices:
(Missions contain way to there/PQ's)
Minister Cho's 1k
Zen Daijun 4k
Vizunah Square 6k
Nahpui Quarter 8k
Tahnnakai Temple 8k
Arborstone 7k
Boreas Seabed 7k
Sunjiang-Bezirk 8k
The Eternal Grove 9k
Gyala Hatchery 8k
Unwaking Waters 8k
Raisu Palace 10k
Imperial Sanctum (runner will be there,cannot run this mission)
so 84k for the hole FACTIONS-run.

No afk is available and u have to have the following outposts:
sifhalla,rata sum,longeyes edge,doomlore-shrine (can run them for extra money).
Following Quests are offered:
Against the Nornbear NM: 2k HM:3k
Blood Washes Blood NM: 3k
A Gate Too Far NM: 4k
Finding the Bloodstone NM: 4k
The Elusive Golemancer NM: 3k
Genius Operated Living Enchanted Manifestation (G.O.L.E.M.) NM: 4k
Against the Charr NM: 3k
Warband of Brothers NM: 4k
Assault on the Stronghold NM: 4k
Hearth of the Shiverpeaks NM: 5k
A Time for Heros NM: 1k HM: 2k

I just do PQ's and Missions.
Special Quests costs extra.
Following Prices:
(Missions contain way to there/PQ's)

Chabek NM: 1k HM:2k
Jokanur Diggings NM: 3k
Blacktide Den NM: 4k
Consulate Docks NM: 4k
Venta Cemetery NM: 6k
Kodonur Crossroads NM: 6k
Rilohn Refuge NM: 7k (prefered)
Moddok Crevice NM: 7k
Tihark Orchard SOLO MISSION
Dzagonur Bastion NM:8k
Grand Court of Sebelkeh NM: 8k
Jennur's Horde NM: 8k or Nundu Bay NM: 7k (prefered)
Gate of Desolation NM: 7k
Ruins of Morah NM: you will find a runner there
Gate of Pain: 9k
Gate of Madness NM: 7k (without master ) 10k (with master)
Abaddon's Gate NM: 8k
PM me if u are interessted! (Chindo Kaine/Deathmaster Grey)