Party Items,Drinks,Upgrades etc

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



Here are some items I wish to get rid of.

Shield mod
Leaf on the Wind +10 VS cold
Fear cuts deeper -20% bleeding duration

Caster Weapons
Swift Soul Spire of Mastery
HSR 20%
Energy +10
Dark Damage 11-22 req 12 soul reaping
Halves casting time of spells 10%
Soul Reaping +1 19%

Want to sell this as one piece for someone to mod to better stats, but will also salvage the individual pieces and sell separately if wanted.

I can see clearly now X2
Live for today
Luck of the draw

Guided by Faith
To the pain
Dance with death
Don't think twice
Seize the Day

Staff Wrapping of Deathbane DMG +20% vs Undead
Wand wrapping of quickening 10%

Squash Serum 34
Snowman Summoners 34
Witch's Brew 24
Shamrock Ales 17
Spiked Eggnog 6
Frosty Tonic 6
Mischievous Tonic 9
Transmogrifier 48
Yuletude Tonic 14
Bottle of Grog 4
Skeletonic 2
Beetle Juice Tonic
Keg of Aged hunter's ale 50 uses
Vial of Absynthe 21
Aged hunter's ale 20
Eggnog 38
Champagne popper 4
Fruitcake 44 Reserved for Nigro Marcia
Chocolate Bunny 6 Reserved for Nigro Marcia

Crate of fireworks 5 (can only be used in GH)
Ghost-in-a-box 13
Bottle rocket 20
Bottom Right map piece 6
Bottom Left map piece 3
Top Right map piece 2

I have to right to refuse the sale of any of my items, if I feel the offer is too low.


Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006




Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006




nigro marcia

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2007

guardianes de elona


Fruitcake 44
Chocolate Bunny 6
5,6K on them
IGN Nigro Marcia

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006




Nigro, okay ill catch you in game when i log in.