Clearing out my storage; feel free to help :-)
B/Os posted. I may accept lower offers.
Lunar Fortunes (Tiger)--2 Stacks
b/o 45e/stack
705 Candy Corns
b/o 500g/ea <<lowered
EL Gelatinous (Ooze) -- x2
b/o 60e <<lowered
r8 15^50 Golden Phoenix Blade
b/o 65e <<lowered
r8 15^50 Spatha -- x2
b/o 20e
r8 15^50 Gladius
b/o 22e
650 Candy Apples
b/o 600g/ea SOLD
Fortunes, Candy Corn/Apples, Tonics, r8s
The Mountain
I would like to bid 25e a stack on the 2 stacks of lunar fortunes.
IGN Putrid Cystmonger
IGN Putrid Cystmonger
The Mountain
400ea on corn and apples
The Silent Assassin
100k GPB....
Evyl Hart
Evyl Hart
The Mountain