Out with the Old, In with the New: Money-Making Suggestions
Regulus X
As the title implies, it'd be an amazing idea to introduce some new normal/elite skills, PvP maps (for more variety), PvE Areas (not towns or cities *it'd cause even more splitting of players within PvE*, just zones to maybe farm goodies), objectives/quests, heroes, and so on... to the Online Store while auditing and removing all unused skills that currently exist in the game that're too weak or too overpowered to keep. Smiter's Boon is just one example, and I'm sure most of ya'll can come up with plenty more. Feel free to post some skills that fall under those categories.
New content without having to fully reproduce an entire campaign or maps is enough to fund them some more while we await GW2. If Anet can come up with a few fresh new maps and make them special enough, they'd make bank off of us and we'd be kept busy for some time.
Bottom Line:
What're your thoughts on this? Is it a good idea? Is there something else you think Anet could present to the Online Store that'd be beneficial to both Anet and the GW1 community? What new content could Anet bring in? What old content do you think the game can do without? How can Anet make bank off us in order to properly fund them while steering clear of lame content such as costumes, makeovers, name changes etc...?
Note: Adding Heroes has been suggested before, but if there're any ideas to add onto it, feel free to post about it.
New content without having to fully reproduce an entire campaign or maps is enough to fund them some more while we await GW2. If Anet can come up with a few fresh new maps and make them special enough, they'd make bank off of us and we'd be kept busy for some time.
Bottom Line:
What're your thoughts on this? Is it a good idea? Is there something else you think Anet could present to the Online Store that'd be beneficial to both Anet and the GW1 community? What new content could Anet bring in? What old content do you think the game can do without? How can Anet make bank off us in order to properly fund them while steering clear of lame content such as costumes, makeovers, name changes etc...?
Note: Adding Heroes has been suggested before, but if there're any ideas to add onto it, feel free to post about it.
So you want us to BUY new areas?
Eragon Zarroc
lol, it seems like anet is coming up with plenty of ideas to soak money out of it's player base. costumes? lol. as for them removing skils and creating new ones? unlikely seeing as they have hard enough of a time keeping balanced the current skills in the game.
+1 before this turns into a flame/troll topic.
As noted, the skills are already at a point where balancing takes considerable time investments, and never gets done well. Removing and adding skills will just complicate matters, not help them. And even if they use the same map, new monsters, skills, environment effects, etc. will take a lot of work and testing, which they dont' have the resources for.
The only decent thing in that post was new heroes, and that has been suggested many times already. And although I wouldn't mind getting 3 of each class, I don't see a need for it, nor an easy way to fit them into the story. And paying for any of that, no way I'd pay a dollar for ALL of it, much less part.
As noted, the skills are already at a point where balancing takes considerable time investments, and never gets done well. Removing and adding skills will just complicate matters, not help them. And even if they use the same map, new monsters, skills, environment effects, etc. will take a lot of work and testing, which they dont' have the resources for.
The only decent thing in that post was new heroes, and that has been suggested many times already. And although I wouldn't mind getting 3 of each class, I don't see a need for it, nor an easy way to fit them into the story. And paying for any of that, no way I'd pay a dollar for ALL of it, much less part.
I don't like any of those ideas, what they should do is stop nerfing things and start boosting, specially revert the core skills to their original state and boost all the newer ones accordingly.
About farming, money making: ¿what for? one of the most wonderful things about this game is that it doesn0t require people to gather huges amounts of gold for anything, not even for the top elite content of the game, so i don't see why should they add more farmable things.
/not signed
About farming, money making: ¿what for? one of the most wonderful things about this game is that it doesn0t require people to gather huges amounts of gold for anything, not even for the top elite content of the game, so i don't see why should they add more farmable things.
/not signed
New content without having to fully reproduce an entire campaign or maps is enough to fund them some more while we await GW2. If Anet can come up with a few fresh new maps and make them special enough, they'd make bank off of us and we'd be kept busy for some time.
These suggestions may end up costing ANet more than it brings in in revenue. They'd need far more than the 4 people + regina the live team currently has to implement these ideas, meaning they need to hire extra pofessionals, each of whom earn $50k+ a year. That's a whole lot of $6 purchases from the gift shop to justify...
I'd be happier if ANet decided to pursue the money making strategy of releasing f****** GW2, so I can buy it already.
I'd be happier if ANet decided to pursue the money making strategy of releasing f****** GW2, so I can buy it already.
Nabru Yar
more storage >.<
at $10 a pop
at $10 a pop
Sir Baddock
I want that April 1st Skill Update Pack thing, pay for the old SF haha.
Original SF L4 UW SC!
Original SF L4 UW SC!
more bonus mission packs, some overall-unrelated, yet new game content from the store - sure, i'd like that.
buyable generic game content - veto :3
buyable generic game content - veto :3
Honestly, when the guilds recruiting on this forum are less then 2pages in a month the game IS dead. The player base is so spread out because heroes can easily do better then most players, weve seen that in pvp thats why they stole heroes from pvp because it wasnt pvp it was players vs other players heroes lol. Btw i love this game and have since beta but ive soaked enough time and even money into it that i wouldnt pay for new add ons, by now they should be free. Kinda like this War in Kryta stuff even though idk whats gonna come of it.
Marty Silverblade
As the title implies, it'd be an amazing idea to introduce some new normal/elite skills, PvP maps (for more variety), PvE Areas (not towns or cities *it'd cause even more splitting of players within PvE*, just zones to maybe farm goodies), objectives/quests, heroes, and so on... to the Online Store while auditing and removing all unused skills that currently exist in the game that're too weak or too overpowered to keep. Smiter's Boon is just one example, and I'm sure most of ya'll can come up with plenty more. Feel free to post some skills that fall under those categories.
New content without having to fully reproduce an entire campaign or maps is enough to fund them some more while we await GW2. If Anet can come up with a few fresh new maps and make them special enough, they'd make bank off of us and we'd be kept busy for some time. Bottom Line: What're your thoughts on this? Is it a good idea? Is there something else you think Anet could present to the Online Store that'd be beneficial to both Anet and the GW1 community? What new content could Anet bring in? What old content do you think the game can do without? How can Anet make bank off us in order to properly fund them while steering clear of lame content such as costumes, makeovers, name changes etc...? Note: Adding Heroes has been suggested before, but if there're any ideas to add onto it, feel free to post about it. |
Also, new areas are fairly pointless. Unless there's a good reason to make it (not just some random useless farming zone like you suggest) then it's a waste of effort. Did you read that thread where Linsey detailed how much time and effort goes into each zone?
Mintha Syl
Pay real money for things that give you more power? One thing I like in this game is that the only things you pay real money for won't make you have an advantage on the other players. This would spoil it.
And also, as the others said, Anet would never do it, too much work and not worth it.
/not signed
And also, as the others said, Anet would never do it, too much work and not worth it.
/not signed
Put an new elite area in it where you can get some rare weapons (BDS, Froggy, CC, Eblade, Obby Edge etc etc). THAT IS UNFARMABLE and you need SKILLS to FINISH that area. So you need 8 people with balanced builds and then you need to be pro to finish the area
Something like a challange! :roar:

Shayne Hawke
If it's not something like the BMP, it's likely not going to attract my money. Also, paying for my skills to get balanced is stupid, since I already bought the game the skills came in, and paying for new PvP or PvE maps is stupid for what they're worth.
Regulus X
Paying for skills to be balanced out is a way to "fund" the live team so that they're not running on empty because time is money. I suggested removing crap skills that're simply beyond repair. If they replaced bad skills with new, good and "balanced" skills I think it'd renew the interest of many, making them want to play more. It'd keep them occupied until GW2's release. The goal behind this idea is simple: to fuel Anet with our money in a similar fashion as P2P games so that we can continue recieving new content for as long as GW2 remains in the production phase. It wouldn't be a waste because they'd be getting paid. Where's the "waste" in that?
As far as "diluting" players by creating newer zones: there is no diluting going on. Quite the contrary, it'd attract players to the newest areas, thus inducing activity. Alot of towns are already dead anyway, and players nowadays are just H/Hing, vanquishing, farming, etc... all pretty much near soloing. The level of activity can be rekindled by adding in a new area or two so that players can swarm in and have fun there.
I'm no expert on business management, so if making new content means losing money, then yea... even I'd shoot down my own idea! But if that's not the case, and they're confident that players would buy into it (which I know they would most definitely because who would ever turn down all the goodies?), then why not? Anyways, my intentions are good about this topic, so if it were feasible, I'd say "hell-to-the-YEA!! /signed any day."
As far as "diluting" players by creating newer zones: there is no diluting going on. Quite the contrary, it'd attract players to the newest areas, thus inducing activity. Alot of towns are already dead anyway, and players nowadays are just H/Hing, vanquishing, farming, etc... all pretty much near soloing. The level of activity can be rekindled by adding in a new area or two so that players can swarm in and have fun there.
I'm no expert on business management, so if making new content means losing money, then yea... even I'd shoot down my own idea! But if that's not the case, and they're confident that players would buy into it (which I know they would most definitely because who would ever turn down all the goodies?), then why not? Anyways, my intentions are good about this topic, so if it were feasible, I'd say "hell-to-the-YEA!! /signed any day."
Put an new elite area in it where you can get some rare weapons (BDS, Froggy, CC, Eblade, Obby Edge etc etc). THAT IS UNFARMABLE and you need SKILLS to FINISH that area. So you need 8 people with balanced builds and then you need to be pro to finish the area
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to be honest.... i'd pay 10 bucks in a heartbeat to expand my ignore list like 20 more slots (and to the people that say clean it out... RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO you, i hold grudges bitch!)...
but as for adding new elite skills... i'd love that cuz it'd mess with the current title track to the extent that it'd encourage alot of crying which is always fun. Or if you're suggesting worthless elites like the blessings in EOTN that either will get nerfed to shit, or wont be worth getting in the first place that dont get added to the title thats fine too i suppose, but i encourage the first... though how are you going to give people more elites for a price in the store and not give the people that bought them an inherant advantage?
Sure, add more items too, as if we didnt already have a game bloated with 'elite skins' that people cry about not being able to afford... or cry about having to farm or not being able to farm them

as you can see to come up with such a spew of bullshit i have to be pretty bored so im sure there will be more to come. but thats all for now.
I'm no expert on business management, so if making new content means losing money, then yea... even I'd shoot down my own idea! But if that's not the case, and they're confident that players would buy into it (which I know they would most definitely because who would ever turn down all the goodies?), then why not? Anyways, my intentions are good about this topic, so if it were feasible, I'd say "hell-to-the-YEA!! /signed any day."
Just look at the current state of the game, and if you were here from the begining you will understand (though not necessarily agree) this: every time an expansion came out it caused balance issues, how did they "fix" them? basically nerfing the previous game content, so if you didn't purchased the new product everything you have done would be effectively nerfed and burnt to ashes, that is exactly why i never purchased the expansions nor will do, i paid the price for one game, but that game was reduced to dust when it was modified to make expansions "more attractive", so i said to myself "why would i reward them with my money after they ruined my game?" and the same would happen again if they add more things like that.
But, from the business view, if you don't offer an "improvement" (read it as an advantage" given by purchasing the new item, then only few people would purchase it. It is like a car, you may have a nice 1980 Vette, it is an awesome car, but the 2010 model will outpower the 1980 in every aspect, higher top speed, better interiors, lower fuel consumption, better safety devices. What's the difference with the game? Well, the car maker didn't come to your garage and stripped parts of your car in order to make it worthless compared to the newer one, but that is what anet did to GW, they came and stripped off a lot of our original game in order to favor the newer content, and that is why i am against this kind of suggestion about adding more buyable stuff.
The problem is when you mix business with rpgs and mmo's. Every new thing added and accesable through purchase is a potentital game unbalance. In a RPG balance is the root of everything, if you add some items/maps/missions/whatever that would benefit those purchasing it then it will cause and advatneg over others who doesn0t purchase it, hence a balance issue.
Just look at the current state of the game, and if you were here from the begining you will understand (though not necessarily agree) this: every time an expansion came out it caused balance issues, how did they "fix" them? basically nerfing the previous game content, so if you didn't purchased the new product everything you have done would be effectively nerfed and burnt to ashes, that is exactly why i never purchased the expansions nor will do, i paid the price for one game, but that game was reduced to dust when it was modified to make expansions "more attractive", so i said to myself "why would i reward them with my money after they ruined my game?" and the same would happen again if they add more things like that. But, from the business view, if you don't offer an "improvement" (read it as an advantage" given by purchasing the new item, then only few people would purchase it. It is like a car, you may have a nice 1980 Vette, it is an awesome car, but the 2010 model will outpower the 1980 in every aspect, higher top speed, better interiors, lower fuel consumption, better safety devices. What's the difference with the game? Well, the car maker didn't come to your garage and stripped parts of your car in order to make it worthless compared to the newer one, but that is what anet did to GW, they came and stripped off a lot of our original game in order to favor the newer content, and that is why i am against this kind of suggestion about adding more buyable stuff. |