- CLOSE - sry for inconvenience
~ Polar Bear ~
s/b - 100e
c/o - 800e
r/b - 790e
b/o - 800e
~ Tormented Spear ~
s/b - 10e
c/o - 20e
r/b - n/a
b/o - n/a
~ Tormented Protection Staff ~
s/b - 10e
c/o - 20e
r/b - n/a
b/o - n/a
~ Added ~
~ Longhair Yeti (Dedicated) ~
s/b - 100e
c/o - n/a
r/b - 140e
b/o - 150e
~ Things I'm Interested In ~
Ectoplasm ~ -1k from trader
Zaishen Keys ~ 4.5k
Armbraces ~ 29e
Minipets ~ Oni, Naga, Yeti, Zippy, Dhuum
I reserve all rights.
No 1e/1z outbids.
The absolute lowest my items will sell for is -20e of the b/o.
IGN: Dag Z or Healing Hugz
WTS Polar Bear, Tormenteds
Dag Z
700e polar...........
S/B on Tormented prot staff
IGN: Xuan Kroes
IGN: Xuan Kroes
S/B on torment spear
Ice Cleave
40e on prot staff ad spear
ign: Ida fishburger
ign: Ida fishburger
22e on Tormented Protection Staff
22e on Tormented Spear
IGN: Doppia Maxelli
22e on Tormented Spear
IGN: Doppia Maxelli