Just a quick post to let you folks know the cause of the poor loading times and sporadic downtime over the last few days:
On Monday we started getting reports of long load times and time-outs. It didn't seem too bad, so we assumed that the forum just needed some of the regular maintenance processes run. By Tuesday it was obvious that wasn't the case, as performance got worse. Investigation into what was causing the issue began, and we soon discovered that we were being hit with a particularly nasty form of DDoS attack.
Thankfully this morning kzap was able to finish tracking the DDoS source (with cooperation from our hosts at Rackspace), and implement a fix that should prevent it happening again. The target of the DDoS was not actually Guru, we just happen to share the same server. Also important to note that no part of the network was compromised, it was a purely malicious performance hit.
We apologize for the inconvenience and frustration caused. Thanks for your patience.
Forum Performance Explanation
Thankies to all those who helped fix Guru <3.
Ah thanks JR, Im sure it was alot more frustrating for the team to fix it, its just nice to see that Guru is back up and running.
Rushin Roulette
Does Guru happen to share the same servers as Guildwiki? The official one seemed to be down at the same times as these forums were.
Thanks for the fix anyways. Its good to be able to read them again .
Thanks for the fix anyways. Its good to be able to read them again .