Devil Luca High End (Weapons / Everlasting / Armbraces / etc...)
Devil Luca
*closed by op*
Devil Luca
Bring Up My Post!
s/b on skeletonic
IGN Erebo Il Cupo
potevi almeno fare una contro proposta invece di tenermi in ballo x settimane...
IGN Erebo Il Cupo
potevi almeno fare una contro proposta invece di tenermi in ballo x settimane...
Devil Luca
Devil Luca
Devil Luca
Bump! Lowered the B/O of Skeletonic to 35e
Devil Luca
Devil Luca
Bump added EL Cottontail
Devil Luca
Sold All the Everlasting
Addes Arms and Tonics.
Sold All the Everlasting

S/B on the 3 stacks of tonics.
Devil Luca
BUMP! New B/O on tonics is 10e each stack!
9e on trans stacks
Devil Luca
Aidanaim plz pm me your ign or contact me in game for tonics
Aidanaim plz pm me your ign or contact me in game for tonics
Devil Luca
Devil Luca
Lowered s/b and b/o
Added Arms!
Please mod can change the title in: Devil Luca High End (Weapons / Everlasting / Ambraces/etc...)
Lowered s/b and b/o
Added Arms!
Please mod can change the title in: Devil Luca High End (Weapons / Everlasting / Ambraces/etc...)
Assasin Foxx
15e each on arms
20e on arms.....
25e on 2 ambraces (I don't care which one
IGN: Lucy Gwyneth

IGN: Lucy Gwyneth
Tha Rangah
25e on every armbrace
Marvin the Martian
26 Gooblies on every Arm, please.
In-game name: Alyss In Wonderland/Marvins Mule
In-game name: Alyss In Wonderland/Marvins Mule