That Patrick Guy
OR The Names Patrick
All gone for now. Sorry! :[
-5 Mysterious Summoning Stones - 500g each
-10 Mysterious Tonics - 1k each / 8.5k for all
-5 Flasks of Firewater -350g each
-4 Shamrock Ales
-6 Four-Leaf clovers - 300g each
-4 Golden Eggs -125g each
-17 Chocolate Bunnies -250g each
[Bows] [Green]
-Jin's hornbow
-Ryver's Shortbow
[Gold] - Max
-Feathered Flatbow r9. Lengthens Bleeding 33%. Health +20. Inscr "Don't Fear The reaper" 19%
-Grinning Recurve Bow r9. Lengthens Daze 33%. Armor +7 v physical. Inscr "Brawn over Brains" 14%
-Dead Bow r10. Damage +14 Armor -10 whilst attacking. Lengthens Bleeding 33%. Armor +7 vs Elemental
-Bramble Shortbow r11. Lengthens Poison 33%. Inscr "Let the Memory Live Again" 10%
Dead Bow r12. 15^50. Lengthens Poison 33%. Marksmanship +1/20%.
-Dead Bow r11. Energy+5. Marksmanship +1/20%
-Round Shield r8 Tactics. Health +28. Gold
-Kournan Defender r9 Strength. Health +26. Inscr "Swift as the wind" 20%. Purple
[Other] - Gold Max unless stated
-Icy Wolf Hammer r11. Inscr "Measure for Measure". Dmg +20% vs undead.
-Bone Staff r9 Death Magic. Half casting curses 19%. Health +29
-Spiked Axe r9. 15^50. Health +29.
-Blazing Wing Wand r10 fire. Inscr "Strength and Honor" 15^50.
-Goldhorn Staff r9 Spawn. Armor +5. Inscr "Dance With Death" 14%. Health+22.
-Shocking Sai r8 Lightning 6-14. Inscr "Brawn over brains" 15%.
-Elemental Sword r5 11-16. Lengthens Poison 33%. Armor +7 v elemental. Inscr "dont fear the reaper" 20% while hexed.
[Materials] - Stacks of 250
3x Wood Planks
2x Iron Ingots
3x Tanned Hide Squares
2x Bolts of Cloth
2x Feathers
1x Bone
Thanks for reading